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NISMO_350Z 08-31-2006 09:54 AM

My First Ticket
Well yesterday on my way home from work I got my first ticket in the "Z" which also happens to be my first ticket. I was driving, and it goes from three lanes to two lanes, a car that was in the lane that was ending decided he needed to get over and when he did he did not look so he almost ran into me. I of course went into the other lane to avoid having my "Z" get all **** up. Well I looked in my side view before this happened b/c a 18 wheeler did the same thing to me when I owned my pathfinder, any way there was no one in the other lane. Literally right after I checked to see what was there is when the car tried to get in my lane so I swerved over and a cop that was doing about 60ish in a 45 well I cut him off and he pulled me over gave me a ticket for improper lane change ($232.50).When I told him what happened he said that those cars are suppose to yield to me (guess I was suppose to let them total my "Z" uh NO). Right before he walks away he say’s you know this is a really nice car, make sure you drive safe. I wanted to say you know that is a really big gut, make sure you lay off the donuts but I did not. Not to offend any cops that are part of this forum, just venting.

highside107 08-31-2006 10:02 AM

Damn dude, sorry to hear. Sounds like bad luck from your story. You didn't notice a cop behind you earlier? If you did, this may not have happened because you (well, at least I would) may have changed your driving style to real passive so something like this wouldn't happen.

teknochild 08-31-2006 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by NISMO_350Z
Well yesterday on my way home from work I got my first ticket in the "Z" which also happens to be my first ticket. I was driving, and it goes from three lanes to two lanes, a car that was in the lane that was ending decided he needed to get over and when he did he did not look so he almost ran into me. I of course went into the other lane to avoid having my "Z" get all **** up. Well I looked in my side view before this happened b/c a 18 wheeler did the same thing to me when I owned my pathfinder, any way there was no one in the other lane. Literally right after I checked to see what was there is when the car tried to get in my lane so I swerved over and a cop that was doing about 60ish in a 45 well I cut him off and he pulled me over gave me a ticket for improper lane change ($232.50).When I told him what happened he said that those cars are suppose to yield to me (guess I was suppose to let them total my "Z" uh NO). Right before he walks away he say’s you know this is a really nice car, make sure you drive safe. I wanted to say you know that is a really big gut, make sure you lay off the donuts but I did not. Not to offend any cops that are part of this forum, just venting.

after he gives you the ticket you might as well have said it, aslong as you dont have any illegal tint or mods, i would have

NISMO_350Z 08-31-2006 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by highside107
Damn dude, sorry to hear. Sounds like bad luck from your story. You didn't notice a cop behind you earlier? If you did, this may not have happened because you (well, at least I would) may have changed your driving style to real passive so something like this wouldn't happen.

Well regardless if I had noticed him had I not made the move I would not have a "Z" right now because the other car would have hit me. Not to mention you can not see a cop when he is doing 60+ in a 45 he was coming fast enough that I could not see him and then he was there.

ZlleH 08-31-2006 11:22 AM

Tell the same story to the judge as you told us. I think you have a good case. Where I live, the backlog of tickets is so huge that if you do go to court, it might take 2-3 years for you to get to the court date. By that time, cops tend to forget things or not even show up because they don't remember. What they've started doing is negotiating a reduce ticket penalty If you ask for a court date so they can clear the backlog.

semtex 08-31-2006 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by ZlleH
Tell the same story to the judge as you told us. I think you have a good case. Where I live, the backlog of tickets is so huge that if you do go to court, it might take 2-3 years for you to get to the court date. By that time, cops tend to forget things or not even show up because they don't remember. What they've started doing is negotiating a reduce ticket penalty If you ask for a court date so they can clear the backlog.

Ditto that. I'd fight this. Tell the judge that safety has to come first. You're not gonna risk getting your car totaled, or getting killed, or starting a multi-car pileup because of someone else's bad driving. And it's not right that you get penalized for putting safety first.

Spideynw 08-31-2006 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by semtex
Ditto that. I'd fight this. Tell the judge that safety has to come first. You're not gonna risk getting your car totaled, or getting killed, or starting a multi-car pileup because of someone else's bad driving. And it's not right that you get penalized for putting safety first.

And definitely if the cop really was speeding. Just ask him in court what his speed was.

dudegetalife 08-31-2006 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by Spideynw
And definitely if the cop really was speeding. Just ask him in court what his speed was.

ya just make sure he doesn't follow you home and keep an eye out for you he might be :icon20:

jungle 08-31-2006 12:55 PM

Here's the news. The cop nailed you because you made an unsafe movement in his direction. The guy that forced you over may have caused it in your view, but cops have and will lie on the stand if it pleases them to do so. Your action may have indeed been unsafe on the other hand.

What to do. Look in the yellow pages and get a Lawyer to handle it, you will save time and avoid looking like an idiot in court. The Lawyer will take care of it by having it pled down to a lesser offense, you won't have to be there and probably won't get any insurance points or points on your driver's license.
The insurance points will cost you for the next few years if you get them. Trust me the Lawyer is cheaper.

Never talk trash to a cop. You will regret it and it is likely being recorded on audio and video. Don't even think about going to court, you will look like a fool. The Lawyer will plead it down to improper equipment(ask for this) and you will pay him and a lesser fine.

Spideynw 08-31-2006 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by jungle
Here's the news. The cop nailed you because you made an unsafe movement in his direction. The guy that forced you over may have caused it in your view, but cops have and will lie on the stand if it pleases them to do so. Your action may have indeed been unsafe on the other hand.

What to do. Look in the yellow pages and get a Lawyer to handle it, you will save time and avoid looking like an idiot in court. The Lawyer will take care of it by having it pled down to a lesser offense, you won't have to be there and probably won't get any insurance points or points on your driver's license.
The insurance points will cost you for the next few years if you get them. Trust me the Lawyer is cheaper.

Never talk trash to a cop. You will regret it and it is likely being recorded on audio and video. Don't even think about going to court, you will look like a fool. The Lawyer will plead it down to improper equipment(ask for this) and you will pay him and a lesser fine.

Agreed. Good advice.

semtex 08-31-2006 02:28 PM

You might want to consider pleading no contest. You'll want to check out how the law works in SC, but in GA (where I'm at), you can plea no contest to a charge once every 5 years (you can plea no contest more than once every 5 years as long as it's not to the same charge). If you plea no contest (in GA), you still pay the ticket, but no points are put on your license. And if your insurance company only goes off of points, then there would be no impact to your insurance rates. Also, in my experience, the fine that the judge assesses once you enter in a no contest plea is lower than what it would have been had I just mailed in the ticket with the original fine.

Zmazing03 08-31-2006 05:30 PM

I would definately fight that one, or at least show up in court.

Rumbler 08-31-2006 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by NISMO_350Z
Well yesterday on my way home from work I got my first ticket in the "Z" which also happens to be my first ticket. I was driving, and it goes from three lanes to two lanes, a car that was in the lane that was ending decided he needed to get over and when he did he did not look so he almost ran into me. I of course went into the other lane to avoid having my "Z" get all **** up. Well I looked in my side view before this happened b/c a 18 wheeler did the same thing to me when I owned my pathfinder, any way there was no one in the other lane. Literally right after I checked to see what was there is when the car tried to get in my lane so I swerved over and a cop that was doing about 60ish in a 45 well I cut him off and he pulled me over gave me a ticket for improper lane change ($232.50).When I told him what happened he said that those cars are suppose to yield to me (guess I was suppose to let them total my "Z" uh NO). Right before he walks away he say’s you know this is a really nice car, make sure you drive safe. I wanted to say you know that is a really big gut, make sure you lay off the donuts but I did not. Not to offend any cops that are part of this forum, just venting.

i bet if you challenge that in court you could win. it is an improper lane change unless you used your signal but you can I think do that if your going to avoid a collision. That and the officer if he doesnt show up for court you automatically win. And you could get his video tape showing the whole thing.
I wouldnt pay it, fight that

bofa 08-31-2006 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by Spideynw
Agreed. Good advice.

Right on. $100 will usually save you points, traffic school, and time missed from work for dealing with this crap. Of course, you'll usually pay the fine anyway.

stein 08-31-2006 06:11 PM

I'd fight it but FIY next time someone cuts in front of you the worst thing you can do is swerve, just hit your brakes. When you swerve, you are most likely going to hit something else or go out of control.

PerfZ 08-31-2006 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by NISMO_350Z
Well regardless if I had noticed him had I not made the move I would not have a "Z" right now because the other car would have hit me. Not to mention you can not see a cop when he is doing 60+ in a 45 he was coming fast enough that I could not see him and then he was there.

+1 I would go to court , if you can afford the time off from work. I'm not a lawyer but thats a bad ticket

jungle 08-31-2006 06:31 PM

If you go to court without a Lawyer the system will nail your hide to the wall for having the stupidity to show up unarmed. If the cop is a no show they continue, you don't get a free ride.
Do you really think for one second the cop is going to admit speeding? Do you believe he will mention another car was involved that tried to run you off the road and the cop decided not to give him a ticket? Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?

Do what I told you to do, otherwise you are going to generate revenue for the city/county. Your story will not matter at all against a sworn officer of the law unless you can present evidence to the contrary. Half your evidence drove away, and the other half gave you a ticket.

pacificwindsurf 08-31-2006 09:19 PM

I had a cop in an unmarked Pontiac cut in front of me on the interstate. His lane was ending because his lane was for an exit to express lanes. So at the last minute he stayed on the main line and changed lanes right in front of me. I had to slow down to lower than the speed limit, and I got mad at this guy who appeared to be clueless, so I accelerated and passed him in the lane one over to the right. Sure enough, on come the lights and it was an umarked car. Worse, he wasn't even State Patrol. He was a city cop from a city that I wasn't even in. What BS - the cop cuts you off, goes slow, and when you go to pass, he tickets you. And, he's not even in his own city. We're just trying to get to work and cops like this are sucking money from us.

josephchihweilu 08-31-2006 10:34 PM

yea definitely contest did the right thing

upperguy 08-31-2006 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by jungle
If you go to court without a Lawyer the system will nail your hide to the wall for having the stupidity to show up unarmed.

whats the worst thing that is going to happen if he rides solo? they can't increase the fine or up the points. I just defended myself against driving with a suspended license and got the ticket completely dropped(long story) not reduced, dropped. Most judges and cops aren't out to destroy you and unless you blatantly do something stupid they will work with you. They would rather take your money then ruin your record.

I agree on going to court 100%, like I said worst case(unless you do something stupid in court) you will be in the same position you were before. Keep in mind that you had a clean record before this incident. They will note that just prepare yourself before hand and let them know this is your first offense and that you were avoiding someone who failed to yield.

If you aren't comfortable with defending yourself then hire a lawyer. Good Luck

P.S. i believe its a 3 point ticket, which is 1 point less then driving 29 over the speed limit in NJ! fight it!

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