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dikspiel 09-05-2010 02:03 PM

modify your nismo to look like a civic.

//close thread.

jlvvega 09-05-2010 02:10 PM

keep the Z if it is what keep you going.
buy a low budget honda to move around when snows
this will make you parents happy :thumbup:

SHIROZE 09-05-2010 03:08 PM

Random thoughts of a 42 year old car guy:

1) I have never lost the joy of people lusting after my car since I was 16.

2) 10 year old at soccer tournament today said, "Cool car."

3) My 10 year old said your parents are worried you drive a cooler car.

4) Since my 10 year old luvs the my car - she votes that you keep it.

5) A girl who marries a guy with a practical car will always have him by the balls. Is that the type of subserviant relationship they want for their little Johnny?

6) Move out! Hell at 24 - I was getting married, kid in another year, been with my gfriend for 5 years, bought a house, and both of us were making what you are gonna make with school loans, credit cards to finish school, and two car payments. Freedom comes at a cost - but you'll be in charge of your life.


Ruthless18x 09-05-2010 03:39 PM

If I listened to my parents I wouldn't have made the decisions to make the money I do, granted I'd probably have a social life though. It's never to early to grow a set and do **** for yourself but there is a time when it will be too late to do anything about it.

I'm thinking you might be a lost cause because you are still taking advice from your parents about women.

shawn_david75 09-05-2010 03:43 PM

My mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush

DavesZ#3 09-05-2010 03:44 PM

Your parents could easily make the decision for you - they just need to start charging you room and board. You probably can't afford that and the Z so one would have to go, right?

Stock2Autocrozz 09-05-2010 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Novesh (Post 8638516)

"playboy" ???

listen bro, keep the Z, bang hoes, disregard haters and live it up.

Yep, thread was over here/

dmroberson 09-05-2010 03:54 PM

You're an adult... make an adult decision.

I was 25 when I got my Z. My parents bought me an 04 Sentra, which I drove for almost 3 years. Then I traded it in for the Z. Yeah, it pissed them off, because they thought the Z was impractical. They thought I was gonna kill myself in the payments and stuff like that, but ultimately they understand I'm an adult, and I gotta take care of myself first.

You can't live YOUR life always doing what everybody else says... I tried that once, when I was younger. Doesn't work.

citymunky 09-05-2010 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by shawn_david75 (Post 8638700)
My mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush


Anyway, don't sell your Z cuz mommy and daddy said so. Sell "your" when you are ready. BTW all you need is some snow tires to drive in the snow.

NewJoyZ 09-05-2010 04:26 PM

Sounds like you just graduated from Northeastern. PWC is a great job, congratulations.

My vote is keep it and buy a cheap ford explorer/bronco/awd car with a few miles on her. Use that in the winter. Of course the gas mileage will effect cost of running it, but you can only use one car at a time. Maintenance on the Z will decrease, and you could decrease the insurance. Your parents are always allowed to have an opinion, and its respectful of you to consider their thoughts, but at the end of the day, your an adult. Cut the umbilical cord. You are also fortunate enough to have access to public transportation, so if you dont buy another car, use the trains/buses. My brother was in a very similar situation as you, a recent graduate from NU (not effected by the parents opinions) with an STI. However, he just didnt want it to get beat up in the winter. He commutes to the train in his Bronco that he bought for $1000. Things got 160,000 miles on her, but runs like a champ.

Hope that helped a bit.

Lakeside 09-05-2010 04:32 PM

I say sell the Z and take the cash. You should have enough to pay cash for a new Civic Si or at least a Demo. I can't imagine attempting to use the Nismo during the winter months. To me its abuse!

Those who own Z's up north generally have a 2nd car. No matter what kind of pos it is. As long as it gets you to and from work/school thats all that matters! Multi line insurance discounts are NICE!

First priority is to move the F*CK out!!!! Your 24 years old and taking sh*t from your parents.

So this is how I see it.... Stay at home and buy a CIVIC or man up, get an appt and keep the Z. Find some self confidence and score with Da Ladies man.


zer0cool 09-05-2010 04:45 PM

OMGWTFLOLBBQ?? /Thread. Grow a set of balls and make ur own decisions. Although a Honda would fulfill the image of a mommas boy living at home I guess?? Idk.
I hate to sound like a d!ck but come on. What were u thinking when you created this topic????

pmab9918 09-05-2010 04:52 PM

Mamma be hatin!!!

rromero 09-05-2010 05:20 PM

For the first time in your life dont listen to what your parents have to say and just get a beater for the snow.

Armed Ferret 09-05-2010 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by DavesZ#3 (Post 8638701)
Your parents could easily make the decision for you - they just need to start charging you room and board. You probably can't afford that and the Z so one would have to go, right?

He mentioned the Z was paid for when he bought it. No payments, just costs him approx. $3500/year for maintenance and fuel.

Nizmo0395 09-05-2010 06:25 PM

5 years from now you will kick yourself for selling the Nismo and blame your parents! Get a beater car for winter and move out once you get your job. Apartment with a garage for the Nismo.:thumbup:

Ghost 350z 09-05-2010 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by Lento (Post 8638524)
^Yup, she feeds me and washes my clothes, and I don't have to pay rent while living at home.

I have enought that I can rent a place, but I figure why waste the money. I hate the bar/club scene so I'm not really trying to bring girls back to my place every weekend.

I have met all my girlfriends though friends, and I figure if it got to the point we couldn't be alone I would just go out and rent my own place.

Plus if the girl doesn't like my family I'm probably not going to like her..... Unless shes got some D cups swinging around, but thats slim to none.

Grow a sack and move out. If I was living with my parents and came home with a 40k car, I think it would be time to cut the umbilical cord.

SoldzMyZ 09-05-2010 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by Ghost 350z (Post 8638983)
Grow a sack and move out. If I was living with my parents and came home with a 40k car, I think it would be time to cut the umbilical cord.

EXACTLY!!!! WTF yor driving that cost of a car and your living at home. At least with the civic it makes the situation less silly.

Rocknthehawk 09-05-2010 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by ENVYMYZ (Post 8638740)
Sounds like you just graduated from Northeastern. PWC is a great job, congratulations.

My vote is keep it and buy a cheap ford explorer/bronco/awd car with a few miles on her. Use that in the winter. Of course the gas mileage will effect cost of running it, but you can only use one car at a time. Maintenance on the Z will decrease, and you could decrease the insurance. Your parents are always allowed to have an opinion, and its respectful of you to consider their thoughts, but at the end of the day, your an adult. Cut the umbilical cord. You are also fortunate enough to have access to public transportation, so if you dont buy another car, use the trains/buses. My brother was in a very similar situation as you, a recent graduate from NU (not effected by the parents opinions) with an STI. However, he just didnt want it to get beat up in the winter. He commutes to the train in his Bronco that he bought for $1000. Things got 160,000 miles on her, but runs like a champ.

Hope that helped a bit.

Yep...I've got a '92 Ford Ranger I paid $1000 for to drive through the winter.

Sorry Lento, no way you're getting near $30,000 for a used Nismo, a 370 can be had for that price. My local dealer sold a leftover 08 Nismo for $27,000 last december.

Jay2 09-06-2010 01:42 PM

If you don't want to drive the Z year round, definitely buy a beater as stated. For the past three years I've limped a $400 '93 Escort back and forth to work and all winter long. I've always wanted a better daily driver but was too cheap to buy one. Up until recently I picked up a '98 Integra. Cheap cars are everywhere. Craigslist is your friend.

My insurance company lets me drop my insurance to comprehensive when it's stored. By doing this, it takes a huge expense out of the insurance for the year. Plenty enough to buy a beater and you'll get a multi-car discount.

It's a win/win situation.

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