03′ Nissan 350Z Needs work

Ive been contemplating selling my car and getting something new. Below is a list of issues that need to be repaired. Car has 94k miles 2nd owner.

By: | April 1, 2014

0-60 times

So, I went out the other day and practiced 0 to 60 and a little launching (60 ft times). Last time I did this, I was using stock gears and crappy…

By: | April 1, 2014

Need your opinion! You choose!

This is my current look.

Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t31.0-8/1779993_10202562725843920_1874846002_o.jpg

By: | March 31, 2014

Auto Blip

I wanted to write a review of this cool new toy I recently purchased for my 03 350Z. I recently purchased a Auto-Blip system, which does a perfect…

By: | March 31, 2014

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