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samw1978 07-07-2004 08:16 PM

Rain is ok for the paint... compared to UV IMO...

TtOrMaMnY 07-07-2004 09:43 PM

haha i know how it feels. I feel like something inside of me is destroyed when it rains on my car.. but hey i will drive in the rain if i have to.. used to it now.. it was just for the first couple of weeks when i got it.. now im over it :)

Vlad 07-08-2004 06:30 AM

How about 3" of snow on the road? Happens often in MI

mofoz 07-08-2004 06:36 AM

first off, relax. the cars not gonna melt. its water. much like the water used to wash your car. It was bound to happen. Drive your Z, dont make it a Garage Queen.

Jun 07-08-2004 07:12 AM

when i bought my car it rained (read:stormed) as i was leaving.

soupnazi1 07-08-2004 08:11 AM

Don't forget about acid rain. j/k;)

Conceyted 07-08-2004 10:49 AM

Holy sh*t this is a 350z not an Enzo. Even the guys with enzo's and f50s drive in the rain down here. You will probably have a new car in 3 years, take the next 2 and a half years to make your car worthwhile. Drive it everywhere! ;-)

KShep 07-08-2004 11:17 AM

If it were raining refigerators, I could see why your Z would be "ruined".;) Not trying to be acerbic.

When and if you get caught in a rain shower or storm, you are rewarded with an opportunity to clean your car afterwards. For many this experience is a PITA, for others it offers an excuse to spend more time with the car and get to know it even better.

Zaino it, wax it, clay it, detail it, rub it, scub it, wet it, dry it, have your hands all over it. You'll learn alot about it . Grab a cocktail or five and treat your Z to some TLC after a rainy trip. Believe me, rain is not the worst thing that can happen. Enjoy your new car, worrying about it is normal.

(used "it" 14 times, sorry)

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