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Logic8807 06-15-2007 03:28 PM was just a joke.

Hraesvelg 06-15-2007 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Logic8807
Naw, I got my job @ MEPS, not a field. I already signed the contract...inflight refueling with an 82 on the ASVAB.

:icon18: :icon18: :icon18: :icon18: :icon18:

*got a 99*

OneI350 06-15-2007 03:35 PM

You can afford to own a Z if ....................
1. you're truly making 1700 month
2. no other bills exept cell phone and cable
3. you're living on base or enlisted dorms
4. Eat at the chow hall or on meal card
5. you dont party a lot (you shouldnt drink anyway, unless you're on base stationed at certain places.
6. If your insurance isnt an arm and a leg
7. You will need a huge down payment because your interest rate will be very high

You better really think about going into debt. If you get to deep into debt, you will have a hard a$$ time getting your clearance and I know you'll need at least a secret clearance for you job.

Last thing and most important thing. If you do get the Z, enjoy every minute of it. Because WHEN your monkey a$$ gets deployed and you will get deployed, it may be the last time you get to drive your Z and enjoy life.
You only live once kid...

Behemel 06-15-2007 03:48 PM

You can afford it depending on how you go about it, but I wouldn't recommend it. I got mine after deployment and put 18,000 down with about 10,000 left.

Logic8807 06-15-2007 03:53 PM

No...I'll take the smart route and just wait. I'll be volunteering to be deployed, so I should be cool. Like the one guy said...the car will be there. My whole family is in debt...IM STRAIGHT~

Logic8807 06-15-2007 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by Hraesvelg
:icon18: :icon18: :icon18: :icon18: :icon18:

*got a 99*

:eek:...what job did you choose?

Hraesvelg 06-15-2007 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Logic8807
:eek:...what job did you choose?

:icon17: Navy Nuke. got turned down because of my damn feet at MEPS though :( The duck walk is what did me in.

mcurry5 06-15-2007 04:21 PM

WHY WHY WHY WHY, do young people want to throw themselves into debt ??? Makes no sense to me at all. NONE Do yourself a huge favor and save your money. Get cheap car that you dont have to make payments on. How long are you in the military for ? 4 years is the typical length. I assume you will get a 5 year loan. How are you going to make the payments when you get out ????? You are 18 with a job barely making 20k per year. Think about it. There is no way in the world you should be spending 30-40% of your income on a car and insurance. WHY WHY WHY

Hraesvelg 06-15-2007 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by mcurry5
WHY WHY WHY WHY, do young people want to throw themselves into debt ??? Makes no sense to me at all. NONE Do yourself a huge favor and save your money. Get cheap car that you dont have to make payments on. How long are you in the military for ? 4 years is the typical length. I assume you will get a 5 year loan. How are you going to make the payments when you get out ????? You are 18 with a job barely making 20k per year. Think about it. There is no way in the world you should be spending 30-40% of your income on a car and insurance. WHY WHY WHY

So he can appear to be a balla?

mcurry5 06-15-2007 04:32 PM

Well a real "balla" makes more than 20k per year. Without question. Thats the thing with young people is that they want everything now. They dont realize that the people they try and emulate have lots of cash. ie... pro athletes, rappers, god forbid you would want to emulate a rapper. But anyway, grow up first before you buy a car worth more than you make in a year. Thats clue number one that you are in way over your head.

Get some life experience in the military, get out and go to college on the GI bill, get a well paying job and then get your toys. Damn life is easier when you do it right. Dont be like you friends and get into debt when your 18. They may look cool with there cars now, but in the long run you will be the "cool" one. With good credit, house, and able to pay your bills.

Geez enough said.

UTexas EE 06-15-2007 05:25 PM

1700$ take-home sounds like it'd be really rough. Doable though if you're good at not spending money elsewhere. :)

Logic8807 06-15-2007 05:44 PM

I'm retiring out of the military...and don't assume I'm trying to emulate anyone. The 350z is a nice car and I found it through my own browsing.

mcurry5 06-15-2007 05:54 PM

Wow, You have not spent a day in the military and you already know that your going to be a lifer. Hmmmm. You need to grow up a bit first.

Logic8807 06-15-2007 06:01 PM

What do you mean by that?

mcurry5 06-15-2007 06:12 PM

What I mean is how do you know the military is for you. You already seem like one to let emotions get the best of you. The thought of buying a new Z on that budget should have never crossed your mind. Now your saying that you are going to retire from the military and you may very well do that. But without having even gone to basic training yet, how do you know its for you ? What if you meet a girl and she doent like you in the military? There are a lot of things you dont seem to think about. Just my small observations so far. I think you may experience some difficulties in the military, you work on emotion and not LOGIC. Not a good thing to do.

Good luck to you. Ahhhh to be 18 and have it all figured out.

98MODMTR 06-15-2007 06:23 PM

Ummmm, you were able to enlist as an E4 as far back as 1995. Maybe even earlier than then.

After 4 years and an E4, I only made 1400/mo before taxes and I could barely afford my 94 Honda Civic VX Hatch.

VoKaL 06-15-2007 06:27 PM

what u shud do is save up till summer of 08...

in the mean time try to establish your credit..

easiest way to do this is get a credit card....

Logic8807 06-15-2007 06:33 PM

I'm going to wait to get the up.

Hydrazine 06-15-2007 07:16 PM

If it helps...
20% discount for active military on our website. Just let me know when you place your order.

Thank you for your service!

SanMarinoZR 06-15-2007 07:30 PM

OP -- you're making the right call to wait. I did a 4 year bit in the USAF a *few* years back and I learned about getting into debt over my head the hard way. Like others have said, bide your time and the cars will still be there for you to buy when you're ready.

Good luck with your enlistment. :)

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