2003-2009 Nissan 350Z

*NEVER* let your guard down!

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Old 07-11-2003, 11:09 PM
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Angry *NEVER* let your guard down!

Alright everyone, this post might get a little lengthy, but its like 2:30am and I definitely almost just got nailed by a driver...Plus I have some venting to do. But to be completely honest, this is more of a reminder for everyone , whether or not you drive a Z. So here we go:

Both of these events happened between about 1:30 and 2:00am
BTW: I had one of my friends in the car with me, Thank God.

So I just got my Z yesterday and I have been driving it non-stop since I got off work tonite at 8pm. Everything was going great, zero problems, I love the car, its perfect. Needless to say, two *almost* accidents happened to me, one not so bad, the other could have been serious. Im in a left turn lane, with two left turn lanes to be precise, and the light is red up ahead. So im just cruising to a stop, and my friend yells LOOK OUT-Before I had time to react, some woman in a banged up civic almost lane changes RIGHT into me! She was going a little faster, and it looked as if she knicked the front right side of my front end. But I didn't feel anything, I was more in shock just because it happened so fast, and had I been a few feet further along the road, she would have smashed right into the right side of my car. I honked and I saw her just throw her hands up in the air, as if she was thinking "What are you honking at ME for? I didnt do anything!" Anyways, ill pick from this story later on...

The next one, and this is the crucial one of the night... After the civic lady was gone, I was on the way to drop off my friend at his house. I came to T intersection, and was about to make left turn. The light turned green, but I must not have even noticed - someone behind me lightly honked just to let me know, and no sooner as creeped away, I car FLEW through the intersection! COMPLETELY ran the red light, and didnt slow down whatsoever!! My mouth dropped I was so freaked out. Again the light had to have been green for at least 3 or 4 seconds before I went through. And on top of that, Im still getting used to my Z, and obviously I didnt gun it at the light. So basically if I had gone through the light RIGHT when it turned green, I would have been WRECKED big time. This lady had some TINY a$s fiesta looking hatchback, and had to be going at least 60mph through the me I'm not exaggerating in the slightest. Needless to say, once me and my friend regained our sense, we turned left (the same direction that she flew by us in) and we went after her. Now, I'm sure I may sound hypocritical at some points in this story, but she didnt even stop or hesistate. I had to at least go yell at her, or tell her to be #@%! careful, cuz once my shock was gone, I was furious. I caught up to her about a mile ahead at a stop light..i guess she must have realized red = stop. It gets worse though. I pull up beside her, and my friend and I just glare at her, seeing if she even looks over or says anything. No response, not even a glance over. So i said "Ya know you just f#&@ing flew through that red light back there?" She didn't say anything. Not even a word. So I yell over, can you hear me?" Still no response. So my friend loses his cool, and starts cursing the life out her , telling her to learn to f-ing drive, etc STILL not even a glance over, it was like talking to a damn brick wall. I was tempted to get out of my car and yell in her ear ...btw she had her windows down..and some rock music playing, but not loud though...So my friend and I are continually trying to get her to look over, or even acknowledge us, but NOTHING! Once I could look clearly, she was definitely some kinda gothic girl, and had this weird rock/metal music playing. So my friend guessed she was on something, or high, was trying to literally kill herself, who the hell knows. But at any point, she turned immediately at the light we yelled at her, and didnt follow her or anything- wasnt trying to goto jail for stalking or have her curse us or something. freaking psychotic *****. Anyways remember the lady in the civic who almost merged INTO me? She didnt actually touch the car..or so i thought. As soon as i dropped my friend off, i just randomly decided to look at the front end of my car, (where she was closest, but again THERE was no contact that my friend nor I could feel...not even a nudge) But to my disgust, there was definitely a spot where she hit me! I dont even know how, there was no dent..but about the size of two quarters was scratched off, and little scrape marks along the front end! I was furious. I mean i know it could have been worse, and especially if that goth driver smashed into me, but still I just bought the car 24 hours ago! I was so blown, that I just went home, feeling sick and frustrated. I didnt even get the plates of either one of the two cars tonite, but theres nothing I can do about that now.


All of us who drive, not singling out anyone with Z or not, but ALL OF US who had to go through first year of driving, and driver's ed, all those good old days. (Not that it has been far away from me, ive only been driving for about 5 years now...) Well every knows the rules about driving...look both ways before entering intersection, never just drive through a light as soon as it turns green, etc. But everyone also knows, that we DONT follow those little rules/guidelines 100% of the time. All us run lights, speed, make illegal turns, and lot of the time its no big deal. But one thing NO ONE should forget is to anticipate those COMPLETELY DUMB f-ing drivers, who shouldnt even have a license, let alone a car to get out on the road in. I know what Im saying is more or less common sense, defensive driving...but you all know from time to time, and I know this applies to me, you let your guard down, and just forget about those little things that are so easy to overlook. Checking for oncoming cars when going through an intersection, for getting out of the way for another car that is coming up way too fast behind you. The sad thing is, we usually get a huge wakeup call when the accident, or ALMOST accident happens TO YOU. So most of you may have read this story and just thought, ah good waste of my time...but I'm hoping you remember it. Because the first incident could have been a totaled 350z. The second could have been the life of my friend and mine. Just try to keep your guards up and be safe driving.

Im sure there are way worse stories, I know there are, and I'm sure some of you may read it and think big deal dont whine about it, etc. But regardless, its no joke and if it happens to you *and i hope it never does * you'll feel where I'm coming from better.

gonna try and sleep now, hopefully tomorrow will bring better driving.


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Old 07-11-2003, 11:28 PM
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Oh man...good thing nothing serious happened. A little touch up paint would do the trick. But yeah, seriously, there are so many maniacs out there driving blindly¡Kliterally. I do sometimes get people changing lane into me without any turning signal. I know that really pisses people off. But most of the time I just play cool, I don¡¦t yell or cuss or anything likes that. I just honk slightly and give them the ¡§good job!¡¨ finger¡Knot with the thumb tho...

( - _ - )..|..

Old 07-12-2003, 08:58 AM
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I have had 3 near misses........only had my Z 1 month....must be the car sits so low ....I just drive more cautious and scan the road constantly......oh and one more thing "I love my Z"
Old 07-12-2003, 09:55 AM
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Two things I would have done:

1) Get the license plate number of the Civic. It probably won't do you any good, but at least you could turn it into your insurance company for them to pursue if you had insurance fix your bumper. Even if not you could file a claim at the police (though it probably would go nowhere).

2) Get the license plate of the goth chick and immediately call her into the police as a reckless driver still on the road, telling them what she did and the direction she was heading. Give them your information so you can act as a witness if they would need you for something.
Old 07-12-2003, 10:08 AM
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Good post man. Sorry to hear you had such a rough day.
Old 07-12-2003, 10:29 AM
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That women must have drove drove from Alexandria, VA to So. Cal, cuz ive had the same experiences. Thank God im not the only z driver experiencing these situations.

Do other drivers hate us driving z's or what? I¡¦ve been driving a long time, but once I got the z it seems that people just don¡¦t give a sh*t about my car and seem to be gunning for it. No, it¡¦s not just in my head...ppl don¡¦t yield, stop or give me the right of way anymore. The only reason I haven¡¦t gotten into an accident yet is cuz im more alert in this car. wtf is going on?

Last edited by trash259; 07-12-2003 at 10:37 AM.
Old 07-12-2003, 01:20 PM
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Hi Drew703,

First, I'm glad you weren't hurt and I'm glad your car didn't sustain any more damage than it did. I've noticed that these things seem to happen more often when the car's new. At least it feels that way sometimes.

The only thing I'd caution you about is going after the idiot that ran the red light, or whatever. I understand your anger but doing that comes with the risk of winding up in a road rage situation that you don't want to be involved in. I'd bet she knew exactly what she did and if she had responded to you, things probably would have gone down hill from there. Besides, anyone crazy enough to drive like that is also likely to be armed. It's not worth the risk. As someone else recommended, get a license plate number and file a report. The cops won't be able to do anything about your situation, especially if there was no impact or damage but at least it will be on record for the next poor soul who's not as lucky as you were that night.

Again, glad your Ok!

Drive Safe,
Steve R.
Old 07-12-2003, 02:19 PM
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I always watch what other drivers are doing........this car has given me the ability to avoid many situations that would have left me in a wreck with any other has literally saved my azz multiple times, even though some of the times i had put my azz in jeopardy myself
Old 07-12-2003, 02:29 PM
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First, congratulations on your new Z.

Second, you sound cursed, Dude! (Just kiddin’)

I’ve only had my Z a little over a week and I’m still so anxious driving it. I’m so paranoid that something bad is going to happen. (Like what happen to you.) Hopefully this feeling of dread will eventually go away! I’ve never had this feeling before with any other car. I guess because this is the sweetest vehicle I have ever owned.

Good Luck, Drew. Drive safe.

Old 07-12-2003, 07:46 PM
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we all have days like that. Sometimes it seems everyone is aiming for you. I know. Those days i make a quick turn home and take public transportation.
Old 07-12-2003, 08:03 PM
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I rode motorcycles for years. It dawned on early on that if I was going to keep the bike, not to mention me, in one piece I'd not only have to avoid errors but anticipate those of others.

One of the first was to glance both ways at a light. Pain in the butt but it will save you at least one accident in your driving life.

You can get mad at one of two people when someone does a near miss or "gets" you. One is the person causing the issue. The other is yourself for missing/ not anticipating something. I'll guarantee you the second will do a far superior job of keeping you & your machines whole.

People are goofy; I refuse to put my well being in their hands.
Lord forbid I'd put the Brick's well being in their hands!!
Old 07-12-2003, 08:03 PM
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Default's my story. Thankfully it was an earlier Z....the 350 is my 7th!

I was on I -75 in left hand lane of 3, when all of a sudden...I see smoke coming from tires of the car in front of me. hmmm....I immediately decided that the ******* had no brake lights and the smoke was actually from the brake-locked tires screeching to a halt. So I slammed on my brakes and said a prayer. I swear there could not have been a half inch between us when I stopped. I took a huge breath...sigh of relief and looked in the rear view mirror. You know there are times in your life when you just "know" you are dead...this was one of them. Barreling down on me was an 18-wheeler..going way too fast to stop. Then at the last second, he veered left (lots of traffice on the right of us!!) and into the guardrail, and ended up smashing into my left rear fender, pushing me into the car in front of me. It was bad...but had he hit me straight on, I'd be a burnt pancake for sure!! So......had it towed to an autobody shop, called insurance, yada yada yada....

Fully 9 weeks later (damn parts backorder!!) my Z was done! Ready to be picked up....! WOOT!! you all know what it's like to be separated from your Z for ANY length of time so I don't need to explain THAT feeling! Anyway...the shop was located on a fairly busy street with lots of stores, etc lining it. It was on the corner where there was just a left hand turn off this main road. If the main road was a North-South road, this left turn went to the west, and the shop was located on the NW corner of the intersection and it's drive was onto the West bound turn.

The car looked great!! I was elated to be climbing into it and firing it up!! God was it nice! As I got to the west bound street in the shop's garage, I was about to turn left to the trafficc light at the intersection, and I glanced at the fuel gauge. It needed gas so I just pulled ringt into a station that was located at the SW corner of this intersection. As I did, another car came by and stopped at the traffic light where I would have been. I was getting gas when all of a sudden I hear LOUD screeching tires, and I look up to see a car that was going north on the main drag try to turn left at the light...overdid it and smashed RIGHT INTO THE FRONT OF THE CAR that was in the spot I would have been in!


Needless to say...I drove home VERY SLOWLY after that!
Old 07-12-2003, 08:54 PM
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Thanks for everyone who responded, and who were looking out. I felt SO MUCH better when I woke up this afternoon, and read some of the stuff, so before I get all emotional, just wanted to say good lookin out But today definitely held better driving, nothin too crazy today which was good. And definitely even looking back just a night ago, I'm really glad nothing escalated from yelling at the driver who ran the light. I mean things could have been waay worse. Next time though, I will be taking down plates! I mean i didnt even have a pen in my car, but now you can believe there will be a couple just in case.

marhot- i know what you mean, this is by FAR the nicest car I've ever driven/owned, and i swear i feel like im driving a glass car around! I get anxious just in parking lots, or when I see a crowded street! The last time I had these kinda feelings were when I was in good old behind the wheel like 5 years

but again I'm just so thankful my stories were near misses, rather than something like what happened to cincy! I'm sorry about that, I know it must have sucked And i totally feel you on what must have been going through your head when that car smashed into the spot where you WOULD have been! thats nuts...


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Old 07-13-2003, 07:28 AM
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Yes I also drive very "assertively." But I always anticipate the other driver is going to do something stupid. I actually watch for it half expecting it to happen. Many times I have not been proven wrong.
Old 07-13-2003, 08:06 AM
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Default Lookout for other drivers

My 350Z is the chrome silver and during the evening people cannot see it as well as maybe Red. I have had several idiots about wipe me out. Also being motorcyclists you have to really watch out for poor drivers that cannot see you and are looking at you and still pull out in front of you.
Drew 703 I am glad that you didn’t get wiped out by the idiots driving these days in beat up cars.
Old 07-13-2003, 09:58 AM
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I have a couple things that I think everyone, even good drivers, should keep in mind. Next, I would like to relate what happened to me yesterday.

1. You, and other people are not replaceale. Take your time. Now I speed all the time, but not to the point of danger. Turning right and a car is coming but you THINK you can make it? Just wait. Other people don't like "close" situations. They don't know what you are going to do. So, be patient and you will get your chance. Just because you are running late does not mean that taking that turn right then will save you any time.

2. When the sun in setting, but it is still a little light out, just be polite and turn your lights on. Remember, there is always going to be people on the road that see better than you, AND worse than you. Furthermore, when other cars have their lights on, and you don't, you become a silloutte. For people coming towards you, you are practically invisible. If you don't need your lights at that moment, just think that others might and it could keep you safe. Not to mention, a friend of mine cut someone off and successfully argued that it was not his fault since the other drive had no lights.

3. This one is big. Don't be destracted! It is just as important for you as it is for other drivers (see story below). Change your radio at red lights. If you get a call, move to the right, slow down and pay attention. Better yet, just pull over or tell the person you will call them back in a moment.

Okay, not lecturing, just sharing my safety tips. I have never, ever been in an accident, yet I am a very aggressive driver. The only reason I have been safe is that I PAY ATTENTION. Now, here is my story from yesterday.

I am pulling out of Murray's auto parts and I receive a text message. I decide to read it later (very important). I am driving down the road doing 35 (posted limit). 300 yards ahead of me is a Expedition pulling into the middle shared turn lane. The lady is looking for her turn, but she sits there for a moment. When I am 10 yards from her, she decides to move to the right and continue down the street. I had about 1/10th of a second to swurve right to miss her. My mirror literally missed her quarter panel by 6 inches or less. As I am swurving and honking, I can see that she moved right while looking left for her turn. SHE DIDN'T check her mirrors. She didn't even signal.

I burned a U'ey in the middle of the street and pull in front of her in the middle turn lane. I get out and start yelling "open your f^&*(^* eyes and check you mirrors". She is on the phone! She yells back that I came out of nowhere. Now, I had been in the same lane doing the speed limit for 300 yards. I won't go into the rest, but it ended okay. Or at least, no one was hurt.

POINT OF THE STORY: What the other driver does to avoid an accident is only part of the story. You too must pay attention. Had I been reading that text message or replying, I would have totalled my Z and may have been in the hospital. Am I pissed she did that? You bet. Am I happy it turned out ok? Like you wouldn't believe. Today my car is fine and I am drinking coffee and reading the paper.

Rant over.

Last edited by peptidbond; 07-13-2003 at 10:04 AM.
Old 07-13-2003, 10:41 AM
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Originally posted by peptidbond
I have a couple things that I think everyone, even good drivers, should keep in mind. Next, I would like to relate what happened to me yesterday.

1. You, and other people are not replaceale. Take your time. Now I speed all the time, but not to the point of danger. Turning right and a car is coming but you THINK you can make it? Just wait. Other people don't like "close" situations. They don't know what you are going to do. So, be patient and you will get your chance. Just because you are running late does not mean that taking that turn right then will save you any time.

2. When the sun in setting, but it is still a little light out, just be polite and turn your lights on. Remember, there is always going to be people on the road that see better than you, AND worse than you. Furthermore, when other cars have their lights on, and you don't, you become a silloutte. For people coming towards you, you are practically invisible. If you don't need your lights at that moment, just think that others might and it could keep you safe. Not to mention, a friend of mine cut someone off and successfully argued that it was not his fault since the other drive had no lights.

3. This one is big. Don't be destracted! It is just as important for you as it is for other drivers (see story below). Change your radio at red lights. If you get a call, move to the right, slow down and pay attention. Better yet, just pull over or tell the person you will call them back in a moment.

Okay, not lecturing, just sharing my safety tips. I have never, ever been in an accident, yet I am a very aggressive driver. The only reason I have been safe is that I PAY ATTENTION. Now, here is my story from yesterday.

I am pulling out of Murray's auto parts and I receive a text message. I decide to read it later (very important). I am driving down the road doing 35 (posted limit). 300 yards ahead of me is a Expedition pulling into the middle shared turn lane. The lady is looking for her turn, but she sits there for a moment. When I am 10 yards from her, she decides to move to the right and continue down the street. I had about 1/10th of a second to swurve right to miss her. My mirror literally missed her quarter panel by 6 inches or less. As I am swurving and honking, I can see that she moved right while looking left for her turn. SHE DIDN'T check her mirrors. She didn't even signal.

I burned a U'ey in the middle of the street and pull in front of her in the middle turn lane. I get out and start yelling "open your f^&*(^* eyes and check you mirrors". She is on the phone! She yells back that I came out of nowhere. Now, I had been in the same lane doing the speed limit for 300 yards. I won't go into the rest, but it ended okay. Or at least, no one was hurt.

POINT OF THE STORY: What the other driver does to avoid an accident is only part of the story. You too must pay attention. Had I been reading that text message or replying, I would have totalled my Z and may have been in the hospital. Am I pissed she did that? You bet. Am I happy it turned out ok? Like you wouldn't believe. Today my car is fine and I am drinking coffee and reading the paper.

Rant over.
I do turn my headlights on at dusk with the color of my Z it is harder to see. Being a motorcyclist for longer than I want to admit you are constantly on the defensive of older driver who miss judge your speed and slowing up at any dangerous intersection or traffic itself people do not pay attention to you. I have been lucky so far and wonder if it is worth driving in Florida with all the snowbirds driving Town Cars are going to get you. We have lost several brothers do to drivers like this with a couple of drinks driving during the evening in a large car. No matter how much attention you pay to traffic you see can be hit without any warning.
I agree with what you said.
Old 07-13-2003, 11:53 AM
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Default Pardon my French while I vent...

I f**king HATE SUV s and most of the people that drive them!!!

WARNING: If you cannot use the windows and the mirrors properly on a Sport Utility Vehicle...then stay at home. PERIOD. Get a friggin BIKE!!!! okay?

I have had 2 near misses and one accident already involving SUVs. This ***** was driving her husband's Sequoia, and failed to check her mirrors, running me off the road while changing lanes. As I saw her coming into my lane, I leaned on the horn...but I think her Celine Dion CD was playing too loud, cuz she just kept on merging...right into me!!! After we pulled over, I got out and called this lady every name in the book. She ran into her SUV and locked the door, insisting she wait for the police to show up before she got back out. Maybe it was the fact that I looked like Satan at that moment. Not sure.

Anyway....I am sure there are quite a few responsible drivers of SUVs out there...this is not aimed towards you.
But for you out there that go 10 miles under the speed limit, and take up two lanes at a time...and don't utilize those clear glass thingies around your know WINDOWS ??? me a favor and stay outta my friggin neighborhood!!! Imports and sports cars are not speedbumps, mm-kay? Just because your vehicle is raised up off the ground, doesn't mean I can't get outta my little sports car, drag your *** out at the next light, and beat the drippin crap out of you, ok? S.U.V. does NOT stand for "Something Underneath my Vehicle," okay? Okay. I'm done.

Did that seem bitter? My bad.

Old 07-13-2003, 12:22 PM
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Default Thanks Drew!

It was probably her Sequoia. These days the wifey gets the oversized tank and hubby gets the sports car or whatever.

Anyways, thank you for the great post Drew. You just reinforced what I was already thinking...I drive a huge truck. I will be getting a Z as soon as I find the "deal" I am looking for. I am actually a little scared to drive it! I am a good driver, but my truck has EXCELLENT visibility. I can see everything and everyone can see me! A sports car like the Z especially has a very low roofline and narrow windows for the driver. People can't see you very well in a little car! fast, have fun, but ALWAYS expect the worst from other drivers. Thanks for the tips Drew!

Quick Reply: *NEVER* let your guard down!

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