2003-2009 Nissan 350Z


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Old 12-15-2002, 01:57 PM
steve c
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If that is true why would BMW advertise the double Vanos valve system as such a breakthrough in engine performance? Big changes take big money, what payoff would BMW get for the double Vanos system unless it is just hype and has no application in the real world? Marketing is one of the skills I learned in my checkered career and I can smell a rat when it appears in print.

Please explain to me that a rodent does not figure into the Vanos system.

Boomer-- better breathing is always a valued performance factor for any engine if you wish to increase performance. BMW says the double Vanos system does that......?
I umm don't understand WTF you are trying to say. Again, the S52's which I previously mentioned only have single VANOS -- intake only. And, as someone mentioned the Z also has variable vale timing.

Taking a stab at what you are trying to say -- you believe that BMW's produce more horsepower than advertised because of this variable intake timing? Err okay, your're wrong, but I guess you can believe whatever you want, it's a free country.

As for the non believer before, yes BMW consistently underrates their engines -- a stark contrast to Nissan who --- for example --- had to restate their Sentra horsepower numbers upon review by the automotive press who found they were producing considerably less than advertised.
Old 12-15-2002, 08:53 PM
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Originally posted by D'oh

The Z also has variable valve timing on the intake and exhaust.

Timing makes some difference, but not much. The real difference comes with variable LIFT. That's why VTEC is so nice. You get two different cam profiles, one for low RPM/high torque and one for high RMP/ high torque. I think there are a few people working on infinitely variable lift, which would be even better than VTEC, by moving the entire camshaft closer and farther from the lifters, but I can't remember who that was.

Anyhow, the point is that the Z also has variable intake and exhaust TIMING.

Iwould be interested in a reference, D'OH. I've never found one.

Old 12-16-2002, 09:56 AM
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Originally posted by steve c
I umm don't understand WTF you are trying to say. Again, the S52's which I previously mentioned only have single VANOS -- intake only. And, as someone mentioned the Z also has variable vale timing.

Taking a stab at what you are trying to say -- you believe that BMW's produce more horsepower than advertised because of this variable intake timing? Err okay, your're wrong, but I guess you can believe whatever you want, it's a free country.

As for the non believer before, yes BMW consistently underrates their engines -- a stark contrast to Nissan who --- for example --- had to restate their Sentra horsepower numbers upon review by the automotive press who found they were producing considerably less than advertised.
Actually, I was referring to low end torque with the double vanos system, HP was not mentioned, and why does BMW consistently underate the HP on their engines? To what purpose?

Whats the point of telling me about a Sentra unless you can document how BMW underrates its engines? Where does the automotive press say the BMWs underrates its HP? This discussion is rapidly becoming boring. I say, you say, and again opinions fly w/o substantative proof. TTFN for you POOH fans, and CIAO for the trackers. I have more interesting things to do.
Old 12-16-2002, 10:00 AM
steve c
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Whats the point of telling me about a Sentra unless you can document how BMW underrates its engines? Where does the automotive press say the BMWs underrates its HP? This discussion is rapidly becoming boring.
As I stated earlier there are numerous examples of stock S52's dynoing anywhere from 250-260 fwhp -- 10 to 20 hp over what BMW rates the motor at. Look it up, or would be a good place to start. Sorry, I am not your research assistant.

I say, you say, and again opinions fly w/o substantative proof.
Well, actually you have stated incorrect facts multiple times (Z06 tires ring a bell?) so I don't really believe anything you write as any more than opinion -- and often a biased and immature one at that.
Old 12-16-2002, 05:06 PM
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Originally posted by steve c
As I stated earlier there are numerous examples of stock S52's dynoing anywhere from 250-260 fwhp -- 10 to 20 hp over what BMW rates the motor at. Look it up, or would be a good place to start. Sorry, I am not your research assistant.

Well, actually you have stated incorrect facts multiple times (Z06 tires ring a bell?) so I don't really believe anything you write as any more than opinion -- and often a biased and immature one at that.
Tell you what, steve c, I will leave you with one fact. Consumer Reports just came out with their Annual Car Issue. As you may know, they survey owners of every model and manufacturer and record their issues and problems with same. They reviewed the BMW 3 series and had the following to say; "BMW's entry-level 3-Series line offers a nearly ideal blend of sportiness, comfort, luxury and safety. Sedan, coupe, wagon, and convertible models are available, as are three all-wheel-drive "xi" variants".

Moving ahead to their final statement. "Reliability has fallen to below average, so we no longer recommend the 3-Series." CONSUMER REPORTS NEW CAR PREVIEW 2003, page 37, paragraphs 1 & 2.

steve c, I consider you and your opinions, (facts?) in the same category as the BMW 3-Series is considered by Consumer Reports. Your "RELIABILITY" is questionable and your conclusions lack any credibility at all. Your proof of my fallibility because I was incorrect about the ZO6 TIRES,Oh, My God, WHAT A SIN!, is ample proof your arguments are trivial and your facts undocumented or outright lies.

You are much more interested in counting coup than having a free exchange of ideas. You don't even have an axe, sonny, and if BMW ever makes an ICE CREAM TRUCK, I feel assured you will be their first customer, right, Rahlio?

Do not attempt to post me, I will not accept another word from you. If you persist, I will report your harassment to the Moderators and request that they inform you of your options in this regard. One action can get you banned from the site and the domain.

This is a privately owned site and you have 0 rights, punk. Especially when I show them where I attempted to include you, despite your inane posts.

Boomer--don't make the mistake of believing I won't do it. I'd run your *** into the Red Sea if it were closeby.
Old 12-16-2002, 08:10 PM
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Originally posted by integrate
3200lbs IS heavy.

Steve, the 350z does not have "too much understeer." The understeer is minor.
hahah try going on a curve at 110, then u can feel that understeer.... ah well.
Old 12-17-2002, 05:33 AM
steve c
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Tell you what, steve c, I will leave you with one fact. Consumer Reports just came out with their Annual Car Issue. As you may know, they survey owners of every model and manufacturer and record their issues and problems with same. They reviewed the BMW 3 series and had the following to say; "BMW's entry-level 3-Series line offers a nearly ideal blend of sportiness, comfort, luxury and safety. Sedan, coupe, wagon, and convertible models are available, as are three all-wheel-drive "xi" variants".

Moving ahead to their final statement. "Reliability has fallen to below average, so we no longer recommend the 3-Series." CONSUMER REPORTS NEW CAR PREVIEW 2003, page 37, paragraphs 1 & 2.
How is this relevant to the topic at hand – that being the heaviness of the Z – or later on the power output of BMW’s motors? (no idea how we go there either – oh wait, yes I do it was you). I mean – think about it, this entire paragraph has absolutely ZERO context to this thread. Are you simply redirecting here because you realized you were wrong in terms of BMW underrating their engines and had to at least try to create a different conflict?

steve c, I consider you and your opinions, (facts?) in the same category as the BMW 3-Series is considered by Consumer Reports. Your "RELIABILITY" is questionable and your conclusions lack any credibility at all.
Consider me what you want, your track record in this thread, two times wrong about the Z06 and then wrong about the 350’s motor speaks for itself…

Your proof of my fallibility because I was incorrect about the ZO6 TIRES,Oh, My God, WHAT A SIN!,
LOL it looks like someone does not like being wrong – and must call other people names to compensate. 10 bonus points for maturity!

your arguments are trivial and your facts undocumented or outright lies.
Actually, I more than you have kept this conversation at an adult level and presented my opinion as opinion and factual information as factual (for instance, correcting your erroneous information regarding the Z06).

You are much more interested in counting coup than having a free exchange of ideas.
Surely you are kidding. You do realize that just a couple pages ago you regressed back to second grade and egged the other child on who was calling me names instead of “freely exchanging ideas” as you put it. That is the best example of the pot calling the kettle black that I have ever seen.

Here – let me refresh your memory with one of your previous “freely exchanging ideas” posts:
seriously now. the way the guy talks hes prolly got money and dosent know the value of such.
i would say since he likes muscle cars with light weight, and his heads up his *** maybe an m3 convertible perfect car for mr snooty himself.
one of those **** type of people who never get married and die old and alone with cats all over the house.

Boomer wrote:
Rahilio, you kill me. Thats a great analogy. HAH!HAH! Made me laugh out loud.

You don't even have an axe, sonny, and if BMW ever makes an ICE CREAM TRUCK, I feel assured you will be their first customer, right, Rahlio?
Yep, more of that maturity and freely exchanging ideas eh.

Do not attempt to post me, I will not accept another word from you. If you persist, I will report your harassment to the Moderators and request that they inform you of your options in this regard. One action can get you banned from the site and the domain.
Let me make some observations here. You are not 50 as you claim – there is simply no way an adult would write the things you write and act and react the way you do (or have such terrible grammer).
You are insecure and looking for acceptance on the Internet – this is why you post such long winded meaningless posts (blah blah the 60’s I owned blah blah car) that have zero relevance to the thread in a sad attempt to gain our acceptance.
You are unable to accept that you might be wrong and you are incapable of debating like an adult and at the first sign of what you might consider to be “losing” a debate (which is really a meaningless concept on the Internet) you resort to childish name calling and throw out threats to rapidly end the discussion before (in your mind at least) you have lost.

This is a privately owned site and you have 0 rights, punk. Especially when I show them where I attempted to include you, despite your inane posts.
Honestly, I hope you do, and I hope you realize that anyone with half a brain would recognize you and some others on this post for the immature children you are.

Boomer--don't make the mistake of believing I won't do it. I'd run your *** into the Red Sea if it were closeby.
Ahh yes, threaten me. 10 bonus maturity points! I’m going to let you in on a secret that most of us are aware of by now, this is an anonymous message board on the Internet. This site and what I / we think of you has no bearing on your real life.

Laughing all morning –Steve.

Last edited by steve c; 12-17-2002 at 05:37 AM.
Old 12-17-2002, 06:35 AM
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I have done a little research on the run flats. It was on the C5 that the drivers were complaining of poorly handling cars due to underinflated run-tires. As to the Z06 it has F1's and a can of fix a flat, a small air pump and Chevys road side assisant program.
Steve C, If the members here really were interested in BMW cars we would logging into a BMW site. As it is we aren't. It takes a lot of maturity to go into a competors site and not start a contest. It also takes a lot of maturity to know when to stop egging people on once you hit their hot button. Boomer is right, getting you banned from this site will not be hard to do. If you look next to our tags you will see we are charter members of this site. We have been here a long time and although we are not Mods we do have some sayso. We do not want to ban you, you add value to this site with your knowledge. Just chill a little. Battles of cars are proven on the race track not in cyber space.
Old 12-17-2002, 07:01 AM
steve c
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Steve C, If the members here really were interested in BMW cars we would logging into a BMW site. As it is we aren't. It takes a lot of maturity to go into a competors site and not start a contest.
I did not start any pissing contest, others, including Boomer have -- I have simply provided factual input and now and then opinion. Although this thread is painful and pretty pointless to read, I suggest you read the entire thread before making such accusations.

As to the charter bit, good for you. You spent money to post here, I did not. If in some way that fulfills a need for power or control that you must have (or think you have), even better.

Banning me when I have been the one person in this thread to not call others names and remain at an adult level would only provide further evidence that those involved are weak intellectually and unable to interact at an adult level. Cool with me, prove it out.
Old 12-17-2002, 02:21 PM
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boomer dont waste your time with stevo hes not worth it, its more Productive trying to **** upside down than to have a conversation with him.

hes just insecure to whatever he is driving and needs to come to other car owners forum and torch the car. out of 77 post all he had to say about the z or its drivers were negetive remarks. i stoped posting on this thread after i realized im having a conversation with a child.

Last edited by rahilio; 12-17-2002 at 02:29 PM.
Old 12-17-2002, 03:02 PM
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Originally posted by rahilio
boomer dont waste your time with stevo hes not worth it, its more Productive trying to **** upside down than to have a conversation with him.

hes just insecure to whatever he is driving and needs to come to other car owners forum and torch the car. out of 77 post all he had to say about the z or its drivers were negetive remarks. i stoped posting on this thread after i realized im having a conversation with a child.
Rahilio, Thunderbolt, thanks for your comments. Adults should have conversations with adults and knowledgable subadults, of whom we have many, just not steve c. I just got angry, it happens sometimes, and of course thats what trolls want. It feeds their infantile egos. It is a phenomenon of cyberspace that anyone can say anything to anyone else without facing them and babies who grow up deprived are the first to do so. Ah well, sometimes we are all children to a degree, we should remember not to make a habit of it.
Old 12-18-2002, 06:04 AM
steve c
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LOL let me get this straight -- Rahilo calls me a child after he spent 3 pages name calling and making up stories and then Boomer (who egged Rahilo on throughout that process) ends up posting misinformation, gets called on it, gets angry and also resorts to name calling. All the while both of these folks demonstrate increasing insecurity with regards to others finding negative aspects about the 350 (hey it's a free country, many of us who track like our cars to weigh as little as possible).

All the while I am providing factual information (corrections) and nothing more than opinion (often labled as such) and in no way insulting the 350 -- yet I am the troll and the child here.

Hahahahaha. This post should be saved and presented to psyhology students as a classic example of self denial to satisfy ones ego.
Old 12-18-2002, 12:24 PM
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no prob boomer just ignore the guy ive said it many times before the guy is jelous or/and is a pimpled face kid probably late high school or early college. ( yes even people in there early 20's or late teens who still live with there parents and put there name on the orange juice are still imature ) the guy probably has a riced up geo metro.
Old 12-18-2002, 12:48 PM
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I can't believe this thread is 8 pages and still going.

like most of the replies here I have nothing to add to the origional topic.

I wanted to ask steveC or anyone how do you make multiple quote's in one reply?
Old 12-18-2002, 01:19 PM
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Originally posted by jessielude
RE: LS350Z's post waaaay up there about prelude's..

My 96 Prelude Si weighed (get this) 3780lbs!!! and had a 2.3L (the Base had the 2.2L and the VTEC also got the 2.2L with the VTEC head). So unless you are talking about the 3rd gen's instead of the 4th (mine)... then it can't really compare to this convo! But I will say it was the torquiest Honda I've ever owned...!

Um I hate to say this but I don't believe that any prelude ever weighed over 3100 lbs unless it was with maximum payload. You might be a little confused if you are quoting a number from an owners manual or the door jam of your car.

3780 lbs !!!! are you sure it's a prelude and not a jeep cherokee ?
Old 12-18-2002, 02:00 PM
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The door jamb shows the gross permissable weight of the car (on the 350Z it shows something like 3700+ lbs.). We usually talk about the "curb weight," which is an empty car plus a full tank of gas, which is a lot less. Also note, two identical cars with different size gas tanks will show a noticeable difference in their curb weights. Gas is about 6 pounds per gallon(??), so a car with a 20 gallon tank is going to weigh 48 pounds more than an identical car with a 12 gallon tank. I guess I'm trying to say that you have to keep a fudge factor in your comparisons between similar-weight cars.
Old 12-18-2002, 02:19 PM
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That's a common mistake. The GVW is the curb weight (all fluids) plus all the cargo (people and stuff)

My S2000 weighs like 2800lbs and has a max cargo of 400 lbs so the gvw might say 3200lbs. The prelude is a 2+2 so it has to be able to carry more weight than 400 lbs. So I think it might be like 3000 + 750 (cargo + passangers) = 3750 lbs.
Old 12-18-2002, 02:40 PM
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the s2000's weight is ideal. if there was 1 defination of a sports car you would look at the s2000

Quick Reply: 350z IS NOT HEAVY

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