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Old 09-21-2003, 01:00 PM
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Originally posted by Dr Bonz
Bob: Let me interject something here. Jeff (Scaf) is NONE of the things you mentioned in your reply to him. He is one of he most thoughtful posters I have EVER read on ANY 350Z site. I guess you just need to know him better. I have had that privilege for almost a year and a half now.

Robert speaking: Dr. Bonz, you are no doubt correct about Jeff, but I addressed his post as it was written. Had it gone unchallenged, the doubters out there would have had a legitimate field day with my unwillingness to engage.

To be perfectly honest with you, I have to agree with what he is saying. The fact that you chose not to disclose this mystical "goal" really puts a cloud over this entire thing and tends to make one think that it truely is a done deal. I think you would help things a lot if you either came out and admitted that (if it is the case) or at least tell us (and Chris) EXACTLY what he (we) need to do to get him this mod.

Robert speaking: The SUPERCHARGER CHALLENGE is about a week old and there was absolutely no marketing plan in advance of when it happed. With the 50% subscription goal, as originally stated, I realized that 8, 000 new or extended subscriptions would have been unfair to Chris. Next step, I opened up the challenge to all 350Z forums and promised all forum members and Chris that I would calculate a legitimate dollar amount that would be fair to all. I also decided to give Chris a jump start to success by assigning him credit from all 350Z forum subscribers going back to January 1, 2003. So far, I've received 5 replies where the "older" subscriptions were assigned to the SUPERCHARGER CHALLENGE.

Robert speaking: When you and others think DONE DEAL, WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU MEAN? There is no collusion between Chris and me, this was meant to be a fun challenge where the grand prize is a tt or supercharger of his choice. Nothing more!

Finally, NO WHERE does Jeff state that YOU PERSONALLY will pocket any $ from your challenge, but come on. Let's call it what it is. What publisher of a magazine wouldn't LOVE to increase his sales like that?

Robert speaking: I am all for increasing the sales of Sport Z Magazine. I am all for Sport Z becoming a bi-monthly magizine. I am all for a 80 page or 96 page Sport Z Magazine and I am for Sport Z Magazine finally paying for itself. WHAT I AM NOT FOR IS SPORT Z MAGAZINE INCREASING SALES IN THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU "SUGGEST."

Robert speaking: Bonz, would you have me "post a number" before I had the chance to analyze the new costs of publishing Sport Z Magazine as referenced above? We will have to bring in new writers, we would need to add to our graphics staff, we would need additional editorial staff, we would need to augment our circulation department, we would have to determine all the increased pre-press and printing costs as well as determining the dramitic increased costs for domestic and international mailing. Yes, there will be significant revenues coming into Sport Z with new subscribers and advertising would most likely increase as well. Do I know these numbers now --- No I don't. A number off the top of my head -- NO WAY! That would be irresponsible at best. This I will say for sure, the challenge will be fair to Chris.

Robert speaking: This challenge came from nowhere a few days ago and the people who know me appreciate the fact that I'm incapable of a sham. Can I earn the respect from new 350Z owners? Yes, but it'll take time and a little trust on your end.

Robert speaking: Just my response to your "thoughts."

Just my thoughts here.
Old 09-21-2003, 03:09 PM
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Bob, when you called 'Truce', I told myself to not reply to this thread any further. But dagnabit, we aren't fighting here, and I've still got some thoughts to express. So forgive me if I have broken a forum rule about replying after some party states 'truce'.

Regarding Chris's "Goal" to Win:

You've stated your challenge was a spur of the moment thing. I'm ok with that. Expecting Chris to get 8000 new subscribers was a bit unrealistic. I agree with that. Giving Chris a Supercharger based on, say, 10 new subscriptions is also a bit absurd. I understand this. If you now want to go by dollar figure, instead of subscriptions, even better! (By the way, I must have missed where you explained this was the calculation method being used prior to my initial post). Although you state that it is much too soon to come up with a number for Chris to reach, you've once again (not a personal attack) put your foot in your mouth by allowing this backtracking of subscriptions. You claim this is an advantage to Chris, but so far you have received (5) confirmations. How much has this helped Chris reach the goal? A little? A lot? No one (not even you) knows!

Regarding Costs for increasing the size of the magazine:

Drop this part of the discussion, as it is just clouding your thinking. You don't have to increase the size of the magazine as part of the SuperCharger Challenge. You don't need more writers, editors, etc. You will have to increase your printing and postage costs, but I would think that each and every new subscription fee covers the costs to print and mail the mag! It has to be a factor used in determining your subscription rates, at least I would hope. You are making me feel bad for subscribing, as it may be increasing your work load and diminishing your profits.

So hopefully we have reduced the scope of this discussion to one point: What does it take for Chris to win. Here is a suggested to-do list for ya. Feel free to skip tasks which you already know the answer to.

1. Grab your calculator, a pad of paper, and a pencil
2. PM Doc Bonz about what it costs to have a Supercharger installed.
3. PM Chebosta about what it costs to have a TT installed.
4. Ask accounting how much profit you make on each subscription.
5. Come up with a number that Chris needs to hit to win this thing.

This should've been done before the challenge was made. Barring that, this should've been done as soon as the challenge was accepted. Barring that, this should be able to be accomplished by Tuesday EOBD.

I met my challenge Bob.

It's up to you now.
Old 09-21-2003, 05:50 PM
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Robert speaking: Bonz, would you have me "post a number" before I had the chance to analyze the new costs of publishing Sport Z Magazine as referenced above?
Absolutely not! But what I WOULD have you do, is calculate it BEFORE you started "advertising" this challenge in the first place.
Old 09-21-2003, 07:17 PM
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Originally posted by Scafremon
Bob, when you called 'Truce', I told myself to not reply to this thread any further. But dagnabit, we aren't fighting here, and I've still got some thoughts to express. So forgive me if I have broken a forum rule about replying after some party states 'truce'.

Robert speaking: Was not aware that a truce forbid further dialog. Fire away Jeff.

Regarding Chris's "Goal" to Win:

You've stated your challenge was a spur of the moment thing. I'm ok with that. Expecting Chris to get 8000 new subscribers was a bit unrealistic. I agree with that.

Robert speaking: OK!

Giving Chris a Supercharger based on, say, 10 new subscriptions is also a bit absurd. I understand this.

Robert speaking: OK!

If you now want to go by dollar figure, instead of subscriptions, even better!

Robert speaking: OK!

(By the way, I must have missed where you explained this was the calculation method being used prior to my initial post).

Robert speaking: OK, sorry you missed that part. Suggest you look again.

Although you state that it is much too soon to come up with a number for Chris to reach, you've once again (not a personal attack) put your foot in your mouth by allowing this backtracking of subscriptions.

Robert speaking: Nothing personal Jeff but how is giving Chris a better chance in reaching his goal easier putting my foot in my mouth?

You claim this is an advantage to Chris, but so far you have received (5) confirmations. How much has this helped Chris reach the goal? A little? A lot? No one (not even you) knows!

Robert speaking: The answer is "a little." Actually the correct answer would be "very little." Would it be your suggestion that I eliminate that part of the challenge? If it is agreed to by all of the existing subscribers from all 350Z forums who would like to help Chris, I'll take that part of the challenge off the table. Jeff, what you may consider as an option to excluding their participation might be a "Scafremon" thread encouraging them to join Chris and appeal to them to email me directly at It's your call Jeff -- INCLUDE OR EXCLUDE?

Regarding Costs for increasing the size of the magazine:

Drop this part of the discussion, as it is just clouding your thinking.

Robert speaking: OK, let's examine this more closely.

You don't have to increase the size of the magazine as part of the SuperCharger Challenge.

Robert speaking: Nothing personal Jeff but YES I DO HAVE TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF SPORT Z. Go back to the genesis of this challenge [earlier thread] and tell me that I don't have to increase the page count of Sport Z Magazine. Are you asking me to go back on my word regarding a bigger and better Sport Z with increased coverage of our beloved 350Z? Sorry, I don't go back on my word and what you're asking will never happen.

You don't need more writers, editors, etc.

Robert speaking: There is no way to address this statement except head on.

Robert speaking: The very first issue of what turned into the SUPERCHARGER CHALLENGE was a Sport Z Magazine for just 350Z's. That would have been impossible financially (at least to me), but a "thicker" Sport Z would be doable. More pages, more 350Z coverage. Asking me to ignore that promise goes against everything I stand for.

Robert speaking: Since there is little chance that you know this so I'll tread lightly here. Sport Z Magazine is published through the part-time efforts of four (4) people and a wonderful crew of contract writers. Every one of us (except our part-time circulation manager) has other businesses to run. Jeff, I'm not going to say anything about your foot and a certain body cavity but publishing a 40% to 70% "thicker" Sport Z Magazine will most definately require added staff.

You will have to increase your printing and postage costs, but I would think that each and every new subscription fee covers the costs to print and mail the mag!

Robert speaking: Absolutely true regarding printing and postal costs but not in the limited scope of your statement. It is not an increased database that has me concerned, it's the added pages. As I have said before, it would be a wonderful day when Sport Z revenues cover Sport Z expenses. You may take from that last statement what you will.

It has to be a factor used in determining your subscription rates, at least I would hope.

Robert speaking: I'm left speechless here.

You are making me feel bad for subscribing, as it may be increasing your work load and diminishing your profits.

Robert speaking: Speechless again!

So hopefully we have reduced the scope of this discussion to one point: What does it take for Chris to win. Here is a suggested to-do list for ya. Feel free to skip tasks which you already know the answer to.

Robert speaking: In lieu of the revelations before you, I would suggest you go back and review the FACTS addressed in my earlier post to Dr. Bonz.

1. Grab your calculator, a pad of paper, and a pencil
2. PM Doc Bonz about what it costs to have a Supercharger installed.
3. PM Chebosta about what it costs to have a TT installed.
4. Ask accounting how much profit you make on each subscription.
5. Come up with a number that Chris needs to hit to win this thing.

Robert speaking: I know the costs of supercharging and I know the costs (approximate) of tt and your cavalier 1-5 listing is short-sighted and not grounded in fact.

This should've been done before the challenge was made. Barring that, this should've been done as soon as the challenge was accepted. Barring that, this should be able to be accomplished by Tuesday EOBD.

Robert speaking: With your myopic analysis of publishing, I would suppose EOBD Tuesday would be feasible. However, it's not as simple as you would define it and my "analysis" can not be completed per your time frame. Jeff, I hope you accept this in the manner in which it's given, but none of your statements herein are on-target and I hope you will not judge me harshly if I do the math in a manner that is based in fact, not in haste.

I met my challenge Bob.

Robert speaking: OK?

Robert speaking: No Jeff it's not up to me entirely, I'll do my job based on truth and detailed number chrunching. It'll be your job to move the challenge forward.

Robert speaking: If the good folks at and the other 350Z boards feel that this challenge should disappear, I'll pull it immediately and work out something nice with Chris. It's your call.

It's up to you now.
Old 09-21-2003, 09:20 PM
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(Insert your reply here)

Not that this amounts to a hill of beans, but since you seem to think that you mentioned the challenge had switched to a dollar figure before your reply to me, I have reviewed your posts in this thread, and you never did.

(Insert your reply here)

The closest you came was this statement:

[q]Dr. Bonz, believe me I'll be flexible on the percentage. I have a number in my head where the tt or supercharger will go on his 350Z regardless of the whole number expressed in hundredths.[/q]

(Insert your reply here)

Now, I am going to stop putting in placeholders for your replies. But if you must reply to each and every sentence of mine, then I will be forced to just start using run-on sentences.

Seriously, it makes it hard to read a conversation when you repeat everything thing I say. Could you imagine if I was to do the same to you what this thread would look like?

Onwards and upwards now.

I'd ask you how many of the good folks at and other 350z boards are required to state that they think this challenge should disappear for you to make it dissapear and work out something for Chris, but something tells me you won't be able to give me an answer.

But that sure would make things simple for you. You could even blame the demise of the challenge on lil ol me if you want to. I'll be your scapegoat. I can deal with that.

The bottomline, which I think is getting clearer and clearer for everyone to see with each of your posts (is anyone even following this Challenge thread anymore?) , is that once Sport Z Magazine figures out how the heck they are going to live up to the magazine growth committments that Bob has made on their behalf, on the odd chance that some how Chris succeeds on meeting the as-yet-to-defined-dollar-figure-of-forum-business-sales, at this point and probably not sooner, Sport Z Magazine will announce what is required for Chris to win the Challenge, or that he has already won the challenge, or that he was not successful in winning the challenge.

I ask you again Bob, separate what YOU have to do to grow the size of the magazine from what CHRIS has to do to win this challenge. Don't tie that anchor to Chris.

Furthermore, if you change your magazine to start including too much 350Z content, I for one will cancel my subscription. Like some others have said in this thread, I get plenty of350Z info from the forums I participate in. I subscribed to your magazine to learn more about the heritage of the Z.
Old 09-22-2003, 06:17 AM
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Default My Comments:

Ok, I feel that I must insert my comments on the challenge now (since I play a significant role in it).

When Bob issued the challenge to me I accepted it based on the original 50% (or 8,000) subscriptions. Since then he has reduced it to a lesser number based on this comment to Dr Bonz:

Dr. Bonz, believe me I'll be flexible on the percentage. I have a number in my head where the tt or supercharger will go on his 350Z regardless of the whole number expressed in hundredths.
I do NOT know the exact amount. All I know is that it is less than 8,000. I am OK with not knowing because here is what I DO know. As long as I keep spreading the word about my challenge and keep getting the support from the members of all the 350Z forums, I WILL be successful. The concept of the challenge is not just "subscribe and I win". It is more like "Subscribe and we all win." When you subscribe, you get to voice your opinion on whether or not you would be interested in more 350Z coverage. If you would, then the pagecount would increase to include the additional 350Z coverage. It would have (and Bob please correct me if I am wrong) roughly a 50/50 coverage of all Z's. Half (roughly) of the magazine would cover the classic "heritage" Z's and the other half (roughly) would cover the new Z's. That's the heart of it. It's even possible that one of the "new thicker" issues might have more coverage of the heritage Z's than 350z's, and the next issue might have more 350Z's and less heritage Z's.

The bottom line is that it is up to you (everyone). I cannot do it without your help. If you would like to help me win the Supercharger Challenge then all I ask is that you subscribe and let them know that you want "more" (not total) coverage of 350Z's by noting that you want your subscription to count towards the "Supercharger Challenge."

I am grateful to everyone who has already subscribed and to everyone is going to subscribe to help me win the challenge. Thank you, everyone.

Old 09-22-2003, 07:20 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scafremon

Originally posted by Scafremon

(Insert your reply here)

Robert speaking: Good morning Jeff.

Not that this amounts to a hill of beans, but since you seem to think that you mentioned the challenge had switched to a dollar figure before your reply to me, I have reviewed your posts in this thread, and you never did.

(Insert your reply here)

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

The closest you came was this statement:

[q]Dr. Bonz, believe me I'll be flexible on the percentage. I have a number in my head where the tt or supercharger will go on his 350Z regardless of the whole number expressed in hundredths.[/q]

(Insert your reply here)

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

Now, I am going to stop putting in placeholders for your replies. But if you must reply to each and every sentence of mine, then I will be forced to just start using run-on sentences.

Seriously, it makes it hard to read a conversation when you repeat everything thing I say. Could you imagine if I was to do the same to you what this thread would look like?

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

Onwards and upwards now.

I'd ask you how many of the good folks at and other 350z boards are required to state that they think this challenge should disappear for you to make it dissapear and work out something for Chris, but something tells me you won't be able to give me an answer.

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

But that sure would make things simple for you. You could even blame the demise of the challenge on lil ol me if you want to. I'll be your scapegoat. I can deal with that.

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

The bottomline, which I think is getting clearer and clearer for everyone to see with each of your posts (is anyone even following this Challenge thread anymore?) , is that once Sport Z Magazine figures out how the heck they are going to live up to the magazine growth committments that Bob has made on their behalf, on the odd chance that some how Chris succeeds on meeting the as-yet-to-defined-dollar-figure-of-forum-business-sales, at this point and probably not sooner, Sport Z Magazine will announce what is required for Chris to win the Challenge, or that he has already won the challenge, or that he was not successful in winning the challenge.

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

I ask you again Bob, separate what YOU have to do to grow the size of the magazine from what CHRIS has to do to win this challenge. Don't tie that anchor to Chris.

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

Furthermore, if you change your magazine to start including too much 350Z content, I for one will cancel my subscription. Like some others have said in this thread, I get plenty of350Z info from the forums I participate in. I subscribed to your magazine to learn more about the heritage of the Z. /QUOTE]

Robert speaking: Uh, OK???

Old 09-22-2003, 07:24 AM
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Default More forums added

Originally posted by ChrisMCagle

I did post a thread on all those forums you listed (and a couple not on your list) except for the following:

I'll get a thread on those ASAP. Thanks for the heads up!!


Thanks for your support. Every one counts!

I have added a thread for the Supercharger Challenge to and I could not pull up the page for some reason, but I'll keep trying.

Let's win this thing!!!

Old 09-22-2003, 07:47 AM
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Default Re: My Comments:

Originally posted by ChrisMCagle
Ok, I feel that I must insert my comments on the challenge now (since I play a significant role in it).

When Bob issued the challenge to me I accepted it based on the original 50% (or 8,000) subscriptions. Since then he has reduced it to a lesser number based on this comment to Dr Bonz:

I do NOT know the exact amount. All I know is that it is less than 8,000. I am OK with not knowing because here is what I DO know. As long as I keep spreading the word about my challenge and keep getting the support from the members of all the 350Z forums, I WILL be successful. The concept of the challenge is not just "subscribe and I win". It is more like "Subscribe and we all win." When you subscribe, you get to voice your opinion on whether or not you would be interested in more 350Z coverage. If you would, then the pagecount would increase to include the additional 350Z coverage. It would have (and Bob please correct me if I am wrong) roughly a 50/50 coverage of all Z's. Half (roughly) of the magazine would cover the classic "heritage" Z's and the other half (roughly) would cover the new Z's. That's the heart of it. It's even possible that one of the "new thicker" issues might have more coverage of the heritage Z's than 350z's, and the next issue might have more 350Z's and less heritage Z's.

The bottom line is that it is up to you (everyone). I cannot do it without your help. If you would like to help me win the Supercharger Challenge then all I ask is that you subscribe and let them know that you want "more" (not total) coverage of 350Z's by noting that you want your subscription to count towards the "Supercharger Challenge."

I am grateful to everyone who has already subscribed and to everyone is going to subscribe to help me win the challenge. Thank you, everyone.

Chrismcagle, a real pleasure to hear from you this morning. I am ecstatic that your positive state-on-mind remains intact. Somehow the mud slingers have taken over this thread and the verbal venom is astounding to see. But enough of that.

Chris, you and I are confident in the knowlegment that Sport Z will do whatever it takes to help you with your quest. The bogey I come up with will be based on facts and I am pleased that you are comfortable with that. There appears to be a few among us who don't understand or welcome spontaneity and I feel sorry that they can't seem to feel the joy of unexpected fun.

If you and I can get back to the goal-at-hand, we can do this thing with the help of our 350Z friends who choose to see the good side of this challenge.

Chrismcagle, I'll have my numbers together by weeks end and if the nay-sayers will allow me the time to get back to publishing the Winter 2003 issue, that's what I'm going to do.

Old 09-22-2003, 07:49 AM
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Well this is going well. Please guys, is it really necessary to turn this debate into a war between respected members of our online community? I am loathe to do it, but I would sooner close this thread than watch two such members publicly trash each other here. This is good for no one. Entertaining yes, but detrimental to the spirit of the site and our community. So please bear this in mind when posting further comments. Thanks.
Old 09-22-2003, 08:25 AM
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Default Re: Re: My Comments:

Originally posted by publisher
Chrismcagle, a real pleasure to hear from you this morning. I am ecstatic that your positive state-on-mind remains intact. Somehow the mud slingers have taken over this thread and the verbal venom is astounding to see. But enough of that.

Chris, you and I are confident in the knowlegment that Sport Z will do whatever it takes to help you with your quest. The bogey I come up with will be based on facts and I am pleased that you are comfortable with that. There appears to be a few among us who don't understand or welcome spontaneity and I feel sorry that they can't seem to feel the joy of unexpected fun.

If you and I can get back to the goal-at-hand, we can do this thing with the help of our 350Z friends who choose to see the good side of this challenge.

Chrismcagle, I'll have my numbers together by weeks end and if the nay-sayers will allow me the time to get back to publishing the Winter 2003 issue, that's what I'm going to do.


No, my attitude has not been swayed whatsoever. I am still VERY excited about this challenge and still doing my best to bring in the support of others (that will not change no matter what is posted here). I am in this till the end. As I previously posted, I am not concerend with a specific number being posted for all to see, but if it will help others to visualize the goal... feel free to do so. Afterall, my success is wholly based on the forum member's willingness to support me in the Challenge and whatever must be done to gain their support is what is important. I can't do it without them.

P.S. I sent you an e-mail a little while ago from my work account.

Old 09-22-2003, 08:33 AM
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Default Let's be friends

Originally posted by tbcz
Well this is going well. Please guys, is it really necessary to turn this debate into a war between respected members of our online community? I am loathe to do it, but I would sooner close this thread than watch two such members publicly trash each other here. This is good for no one. Entertaining yes, but detrimental to the spirit of the site and our community. So please bear this in mind when posting further comments. Thanks.
Even though in a strange way I feel that Scafremon and Dr Bonz's posts are meant to help me, I must agree with tbcz here. Please, let's keep this thread focused on the positive and use PM's for any personal correspondences. I definitely can't afford to have this thread to get closed. Thanks everyone.

P.S. Also, please feel free to PM me if you have any personal comments/questions that don't necessarily need to be publicly posted. Thanks again everyone!

Old 09-22-2003, 08:36 AM
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OK...ley me play Devil's Advocate here for a moment...I don't personally care what the "number" is since I believe Bob will be fair no matter what...That being said...maybe if a number were posted and a tote board type number given say once a week (ie Labor Day Telethon)..people might be 'inspired' to subscribe..they might see Chris getting closer to his goal and say "Hey, maybe I can help push Chris over the top with my subscription!"

Just the thoughts of a beat up old man...spread the love
Old 09-22-2003, 08:54 AM
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Default Re: Re: SportZ Magazine

Originally posted by publisher
The SUPERCHARGER CHALLENGE just happened, it came from nowhere. There was no marketing plan, but here it is. There is nothing under-handed going on and if you're with ChrisMCagle -- Great. If not, that's OK too.

ChrisMCagle and his post earlier this week fired my synapses and now we have a challenge that could put a new tt or supercharger in his 350Z. WIN-WIN -- We help him, he helps us. He gets a supercharger of his choice and Sport Z becomes a larger magazine with more 350Z images and features. Z lovers helping Z lovers. Nothing more.

hfm, that's my point.

Bob, I hope Chris gets his supercharger. Frankly, I don't think he'll get enough subscriptions to cover the cost and won't get the SC. Regardless, the magazine will have more subscriptions than they would have before this idea.

Thing is, I was responding to the question about whether people would subscribe. I gave my reasoning why I wouldn't. At any rate, good luck to you and to Chris.
Old 09-22-2003, 09:36 AM
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Default Re: Re: Re: SportZ Magazine

Originally posted by hfm
Bob, I hope Chris gets his supercharger. Frankly, I don't think he'll get enough subscriptions to cover the cost and won't get the SC. Regardless, the magazine will have more subscriptions than they would have before this idea.

Thing is, I was responding to the question about whether people would subscribe. I gave my reasoning why I wouldn't. At any rate, good luck to you and to Chris.

Thank you for your support. I hope I win too!

Old 09-22-2003, 11:25 AM
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Default If you have already subscribed, please let Sport Z know

Hello everyone,

Since Bob has included all subscriptions this year towards my goal in the Supercharger Challenge, there is something that I need for you to do to help me if you’ve already subscribed this year. Please contact Bob at Sport Z Magazine at and let him know that you have subscribed this year and would like your subscription to count toward my goal in the Supercharger Challenge. Thank you everyone! With your help, I can win this challenge!! I appreciate your support!

Old 09-22-2003, 12:03 PM
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Originally posted by Scafremon

Now, I am going to stop putting in placeholders for your replies. But if you must reply to each and every sentence of mine, then I will be forced to just start using run-on sentences.

You guys just amaze me. To argue so much about this is just... so amusing to me. I do know that the next time I re new my subscribtions, I'll go and subscribe to SportZ too. I like this "Bob" guy.
Old 09-22-2003, 05:48 PM
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i agree, this whole debate is silly. there always has to be an debate over anything, even something as simple as this.
Old 09-22-2003, 06:31 PM
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I'm not sure how to respond to a half dozen "uh..ok's". So I won't......unless I just did.


You flatter me with this 'respected member of this community' stuff. (Were you really referring to me?...Seriously?)

YOU are the mostest respected member of this community. If I trashed, or was trashed, or was starting to trash, or if you saw trash coming my way...whatever, thanks for stopping it, or preventing more of it, or something.


AudioPat Speaking: OK...

Jeff Speaking: Good Afternoon Pat!

AudioPat Speaking: let me play Devil's Advocate here for a moment...

Jeff Speaking: Devils Advocate...ok...I'm with ya.

AudioPat Speaking: I don't personally care what the "number" is since I believe Bob will be fair no matter what...

Jeff Speaking: Ye who has so much faith in our fellow man, continue please

AudioPat Speaking: That being said...

Jeff Speaking: Who said 'that'?

AudioPat Speaking: maybe if a number were posted and a tote board type number given say once a week (ie Labor Day Telethon)..

Jeff Speaking: now THAT, is an awesome idea, and might I add, an outstanding example to boot!

AudioPat Speaking: people might be 'inspired' to subscribe..

Jeff Speaking: but will this be enough to get them to order ENTHUSIAST PACKAGE #3: ALL AVAILABLE ISSUES - Back Issue #4 FREE!

AudioPat Speaking: they might see Chris getting closer to his goal

Jeff Speaking: hmmm...sounds logical, but [whispering now] we have not determined the goal

AudioPat Speaking: and say "Hey, maybe I can help push Chris over the top

Jeff Speaking: TIM!!! Audiopat is threatening physical harm on Chris now!

AudioPat Speaking: with my subscription!"

Jeff Speaking: ahh yes....the 'subscription'....the beloved subscription..the fuel that fills my veins..subscriptions....sub-script-shuns. I love that word

AudioPat Speaking: Just the thoughts of a beat up old man...

Jeff Speaking: I love you Man! I'm goinng to give you a big hug at the next So Cal meet Pat!

AudioPat Speaking: spread the love

Jeff Speaking: Just a hug Pat, nothing more.


I agree with you.

Mr B:

I'm glad you find this amusing. I do to, and I hope that has come across in my rants. I also found it frustrating, but I have medication to help me deal with that.

Mike Wazowski:

I appreciate your post.

Actually, to be totally honest, I don't appreciate it. But you are young, and life is long, and there is time......
Old 09-22-2003, 06:34 PM
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Originally posted by Scafremon
Mike Wazowski:

I appreciate your post.

Actually, to be totally honest, I don't appreciate it. But you are young, and life is long, and there is time......
yah, i get that a lot

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