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Guy flirts /w Girl I brought to the Bar! What to DO! unFunction:FLIRT HIM FTW: Chap 1

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Old 08-20-2007, 05:11 PM
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Damn ahn, puttin people in their place. good job. I'm gonna have to get taught all these mackin skills at the next meet.
Old 08-20-2007, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Tubbs
I would have bought a drink for a friend before a chick i'm interested in.
i agree with everything tubbs has said. ahn did mention that the guy did kno him and the girl he was with so knowingly speaking he probably knew you 2 were nothing but friends but didnt think u were gonna cockblock him. and by u asking him to buy u a drink after wat u tried to do (cockblocking) i would also reject to buy u a drink as well. the guy has blue ***** now becuz of u
Old 08-21-2007, 04:27 AM
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I just thought it was funny, that there was a need to go into such detail and the lengths you went to, thumiliate that guy. anyone who reads that would sense some hostility on your part in the whole situation. like someone was stepping on your turf. You start the thread by saying shes just ur lil sister? then why is there a need to thoroughly blow up that guys spot? Maybe its bcus "ahn" is looking out for his lil sister? but even still, you didnt even give that guy a chance to show his " macking skills", before you get all over his ***.

The "ownage or pwnage", is that supposed to be cool. you owning people on forums. In what way are you owning people? You're some big pimp. Arent big pimps a little more secure? haha instead of **** blocking this dude, and writing pages of crap about it, that only shows the fact that you are indeed **** blocking. why dont you relax, and let your little sister decide. and posting pics of you and some girls, next to a pic of a nerd? is that what a "pimp" does? Sounds like you trying to hard buddy.

Nothing personal, just my opinion.
Old 08-21-2007, 04:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Tubbs
I was at this mansion party... Anyways, I was giving them the tour of the mansion
You were giving them a tour of a mansion... that didn't belong to you? So sorta like... the Fast and the Furious saying.. "it's not how you stand next to your house... it's if you really own your house!" Were you hoping that a display of wealth and riches would perhaps sway their superficial sense of a "secure man" whom has the financial support they need in hopes to get them to have a party of 3 in your pants?
Originally Posted by Tubbs
at a party FOR me.
The capitalization on the word "FOR" indicating the property of "belonging" emphasizes the fact that you wanted to make this statement clear to all of us that you are a man of importance. In reality, men whom are actually really that wealthy and great do not go about bragging of their popularity nor riches. Nor do they need to prove anything to another man, especially on a public forum. Perhaps the problem is internalized in a form of low self-esteem where one needs to put emphasis on words such as these in order to validate themselves amongst other men in a public forum... like the example seen below:
Originally Posted by Tubbs
I was the fawking man... everything I said was gold.
What kind of self-proclamation may this be? Realistically speaking, men who are the "fawking man" and whom words are "gold" need not tell the public that their words are gold nor that they are the "fawking man." People would realize this fact from pure intuition. Those who need to validate themselves feel the necessity to say such things, thus spawning from once again, low self-esteem and validation of self worth to the public's eye.

Originally Posted by Tubbs
I convinced them both to join me in the guest house for crazy mad sex.
You obviously did not convince them strongly enough. If your game is solid, having sex with women should not be a problem. Perhaps your methodology of reeling in the opposite sex needs refinement. Let me give you some tips: Do not use a mansion. Do not tell them you are the "fawking man." Do not allude to the fact that your intentions with them include "crazy mad sex."

Originally Posted by Tubbs
one of my friends (drunk as hell) comes bouncing up. He introduces himself, then blurts out "I fawking luv this guy... he's the only guy I know that can suck his own d!ck."
How does another man know that you can suck your own ding dang dong? I know you're not gay (or at least let's hope not) because you state you have an active interest in women in this story. However, could you please care to explain this statement?

Originally Posted by Tubbs
(I sure as hell don't know him THAT well)
Why would you call someone you do not know that well your "friend." Do you lack friendships in your life so therefore you subconsciously call people your friend to feel a sense of self worth? Let me rephrase the question, how does an Acquaintance know of your special ***** sucking abilities? And why exactly would you do that in the first place? Or perhaps it is a form of "bragging" rights in order to validate yourself? I sure as hell would hope it's the latter for I would hate to imagine a person going around telling other people whom they don't know very well that "I'm a ***** sucker," even though it's my own, but thank you for sharing to a public forum where now thousands of men know you as the "***** sucker."

Originally Posted by Tubbs
I looked at their horrified expressions...
If these women were "snobby, rich b!tchz" like you stated they were, then they obviously have an active interest in men in a position of power, not men whom have too much free time.

Originally Posted by Tubbs
"with the size of my d!ck, it's pretty easy to do."
This is the incorrect response to a ****-block. Perhaps you believe that statements such as these will help protect your case and sway their beliefs that you are still "the fawking man," however no great man needs to defend his case against random drunk acquaintances whom they do not know very well. But once again, this is another indicator of low self-esteem where one needs to brag about the size of their package to random strangers in order to gain a sense of self worth and validation in the public's eye. Ask a woman, ask ANY woman... it's not the size of the *****, it's how you use your *****.

Originally Posted by Tubbs
As they left the party, I went for another girl...
The last concluding sentence in this story is not only unnecessary, but is another indicator of low self-esteem. The introductory sentence indicates a story of a ****-block and should have ended with the conclusion a ****-bock. However, why did you feel the need to state the fact that you went for another woman? By simply ending the story about you being **** blocked would have sufficed for a "**** block story." Throwing in the last statement of "I went for another girl" indicates that you lack a sense of security and seek validation from us that even though you failed once, you still pursued another woman. I do like the sense of "mystery" in the concluding sentence leaving us wondering if you were actually successful with that woman or not for you did not go into further detail. Yes you failed in your first attempt but did the last statement of "going for another girl" suppose to make you feel better and perhaps boost your ego somehow? If so, by all means please share your experiences, Mid-A is always happy to hear stories! However, I can safely assume you failed in your second attempt as well otherwise it would have ended with, "but I went for another chick and banged her instead! ha-HA!"

Originally Posted by Tubbs
but I will always remember the **** block from hell.
That was barely a ****-block and could have easily been deflected. What I did was a ****-block, what your acquaintance did was that he spoke a truth about you. There is a difference. However, friends whom brag about your ***** size could have worked FOR you (like that emphasis?) if you knew how to reword your defense. Instead of saying "oh yea dat shiz is BIG yo!" you could have said something more clever and witty to either make them laugh or put down your "friend" as being dumb (therefore his statement would have been negated) and you could have gotten your 3-some. If you need tips in this field regarding pickup or getting 3-somes, PM me your difficulties and perhaps I can help out in your time of misery.
Old 08-21-2007, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by DaveFunction2ND
Have tight game, know what women want, be able to deal with other guys and never never over-express your interest in a women.
Knowledgable Dave Shiroma, shop owner, tuner, mechanic, and the Mid-A's ladies man....
Old 08-21-2007, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by chewychew
I just thought it was funny, that there was a need to go into such detail and the lengths you went to, thumiliate that guy.
I thought it was funny too! That's why I wanted to share a story with you guys

Originally Posted by chewychew
anyone who reads that would sense some hostility on your part in the whole situation.
Obviously not "anyone" for there were those whom responded with enthusiasm and humor, which was what this thread was intended for in the first place. Those who mis-read tend to think otherwise. Hostility is subjective, perhaps I was having fun and found his game humorous? Perhaps we were all just being social? Are you sure it was hostility for I was simply being playful with an old acquaintance.

Originally Posted by chewychew
You start the thread by saying shes just ur lil sister? then why is there a need to thoroughly blow up that guys spot? Maybe its bcus "ahn" is looking out for his lil sister? but even still, you didnt even give that guy a chance to show his " macking skills", before you get all over his ***.
You didn't read the thread thoroughly, you might want to try re-reading everything in order to gain a full understanding of the material. Here is a response from someone who gets it:

Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc
I think you guys are missing the point in this... if you were out with a chick (regardless if it's your wife, g/f, or just a "friend") and some random guy (or someone you know even that doesn't know the status of you and said chick) came up and tried hitting on her, you would just let him do it or would you totally make him look like an *** for at least not making sure it was OK to even try?
I feel like I'm pulling teeth here! Class Dismissed! Thank you Tony for letting me quote you for the 2nd time in this thread for people tend to be lazy and not read the purpose which lies behind the actions.

Originally Posted by chewychew
The "ownage or pwnage", is that supposed to be cool. you owning people on forums. In what way are you owning people?
By responding to you and others
Coolness is your opinion, I find it more so on the lines of humor in regards to people whom respond seriously to a thread with comical intentions. Perhaps you need to relax and hangout + read threads in mid-a more often, maybe one day you'll get our humor too!

Originally Posted by chewychew
You're some big pimp. Arent big pimps a little more secure? ... and posting pics of you and some girls, next to a pic of a nerd? is that what a "pimp" does? Sounds like you trying to hard buddy.
Once again, responding seriously to a post that was solely intended as a joke. Let me show you how to correctly respond to comments that are intended as jokes:
Originally Posted by mdracer76
Ahn... you know these are your sisters....
BTW, thank you Mike for clearing things up for us, we tend to have a lot of confusion here in Mid-A, LOL!!!
Old 08-21-2007, 05:05 AM
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OMFG!! I don't know you except through the Mid-A forums but this quote below is t-shirt worthy. I just ruined the morgue-like silence of my office just now by laughing at your responses!!
Keep up the good work man, some of us rely on humor to get through bleary days at work

"You were giving them a tour of a mansion... that didn't belong to you? So sorta like... the Fast and the Furious saying.. "it's not how you stand next to your house... it's if you really own your house!"
Old 08-21-2007, 06:57 AM
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Guns don't own people, people own people!
-DMX (modified by bb1314)

Old 08-21-2007, 07:53 AM
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this is the stupidest thread i have ever seen
Old 08-21-2007, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by wwwyzzerdd
this is the stupidest thread i have ever seen
welcome to!!
Old 08-21-2007, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by wwwyzzerdd
this is the stupidest thread i have ever seen
nice first post of your life.
Old 08-21-2007, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Tubbs
Hey... just throwing it out there. And btw, in the pic on the right you look like you're "friends" with the girls. Not hatin' just sayin'.
Don't take it personally ....

Old 08-21-2007, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by wwwyzzerdd
this is the stupidest thread i have ever seen
I love it I love it!! This must be a new guy or someone up there that got previously pwnz0red by me making up a new screen name to save face. I suppose a comment like that was suppose to make me "feel bad" for creating such a "stupid thread." Oh Noes! Where is my mother? I think I'm going to go cry for someone called my thread stupid! Regardless of what it's about or who it is, stating a subject matter as something "stupid" without any evidence/quote to dedicate an error in one's logic thus proves the curator of the comment is "stupid" themselves. Fight logic with logic, not opinions. With that being said:

I'll use an Alberto quote that I memorized for this one, "Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one."

Darn I feel bad for these guys, here let me help you guys out:

Tips for better argumentative comments:
1. use logical argumentation to state your case backed up with evidence
2. stating opinions like "dumb/stupid" shows little thought process and lack of intelligence. I remember in first grade kids said things like, "she's pretty" or "he's duuumb!" Don't make the same mistake, comments like these indicate low IQ levels; perfectly fine for a kid, bad for you.
Old 08-21-2007, 08:30 AM
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Originally Posted by abui01
I love it I love it!! This must be a new guy or someone up there that got previously pwnz0red by me making up a new screen name to save face. I suppose a comment like that was suppose to make me "feel bad" for creating such a "stupid thread." Oh Noes! Where is my mother? I think I'm going to go cry for someone called my thread stupid! Regardless of what it's about or who it is, stating a subject matter as something "stupid" without any evidence/quote to dedicate an error in one's logic thus proves the curator of the comment is "stupid" themselves. Fight logic with logic, not opinions. With that being said:

I'll use an Alberto quote that I memorized for this one, "Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one."

Darn I feel bad for these guys, here let me help you guys out:

Tips for better argumentative comments:
1. use logical argumentation to state your case backed up with evidence
2. stating opinions like "dumb/stupid" shows little thought process and lack of intelligence. I remember in first grade kids said things like, "she's pretty" or "he's duuumb!" Don't make the same mistake, comments like these indicate low IQ levels; perfectly fine for a kid, bad for you.
i guess you like to try to sound smart--a paragraph response littered with "college" words and grammar

indication of low iq levels or not, i can assure you that i have /some/ intelligence. enough to know that your thread is hare-brained and imbecilic. i went to college, too, see?

i just like to keep replies to-the-point and short. but i suppose if i think your thread is inane and stupid, i have to be wrong because i'm not complementing you
Old 08-21-2007, 08:31 AM
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not to choose sides here, but...

not everyone can post a long diatribe on their thoughts, presenting evidence as if this was a courtroom. opinions are just that, opinions. this is his opinion and he summed it up quite concisely. he calls your thread stupid, you tell him he has a low IQ, sounds like the same **** to me.
Old 08-21-2007, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by wwwyzzerdd
this is the stupidest thread i have ever seen
Looking at the screen name, it's obvious that someone just did something like... "afdafdsafdsfads". Note that the 6 characters used are "w", "y", "z", "e", "r", "d" all happen to be on the left side of the keyboard. It means the screen name was generated through typing randomly with the left hand. That along with the 1st post ever. And what a coincidence that he/she is from Virgina, Mid-A and none of us had ever met the person. He's probably trying to make a more convincing case by acting like a person local to the OP that thinks this thread is stupidest ever.

I wonder who created that trolling account...? Hmmm... Someone that just got pwn'ed a few posts up?

Last edited by bb1314; 08-21-2007 at 08:38 AM.
Old 08-21-2007, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by bb1314
Looking at the screen name, it's obvious that someone just did something like... "afdafdsafdsfads". Note that the 6 characters used are "w", "y", "z", "e", "r", "d" all happen to be on the left side of the keyboard. It means the screen name was generated through typing randomly with the left hand. That along with the 1st post only. And what a coincidence that he/she is from Virgina, Mid-A and none of us had ever met the person. He's probably trying to make a more convincing case by acting like person local to the OP thinks this thread is stupidest ever.

I wonder who created that trolling account...? Hmmm... Someone that just got pwn'ed a few posts up?
yes, they traveled back into time to join my350z in april after getting "pwn'ed" hardcore.
Old 08-21-2007, 08:39 AM
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Ahn, you got ENTIRELY too much time on your hands. Entertaining, none the less, and you can quote me as many times as needed.

I found this statement quite funny...
Originally Posted by Chewychew
The "ownage or pwnage", is that supposed to be cool. you owning people on forums. In what way are you owning people?
The original pwnage took place to the guy's face, not on here. He's just continuing to pwn people here that are too blind to see what the hell happened.
Old 08-21-2007, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by philude
yes, they traveled back into time to join my350z in april after getting "pwn'ed" hardcore.
uh... I don't mean to be rude. But I never said the person JUST created that account didn't I? But the fact that the screen name is so random got me concerned. Also, location can be updated anytime. I can go into my profile now and update that I'm from Hawaii. It doesn't take a PHD degree to figure that out.
Old 08-21-2007, 08:42 AM
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^ I already claimed the Mid-A to Hawaii spot.

Quick Reply: Guy flirts /w Girl I brought to the Bar! What to DO! unFunction:FLIRT HIM FTW: Chap 1

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