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When can we vote on group names..? Read here.....

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Old 05-04-2004, 08:55 AM
EL Diablo
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Here is Bruno Again for some cute factor in this Lame Thread.

He is a little nutty puggy

Last edited by EL Diablo; 05-04-2004 at 08:58 AM.
Old 05-04-2004, 08:57 AM
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Originally posted by Mr Twisted
You know, all I've done was defend myself with this group. You know I never said it's my way or the highway I believe it was Dan that coined that phrase.

Why are we fighting, someone has got to be the head? Not me OK' I've lost all interest but someone should step up and take a club forward, to do things for the Z community.

I think the biggest dispute we have is, you just want to "hung" and I want to "do " for the Z community as a whole. Go ahead and "hung" but don't stop anyone else from "Doing"

I just hate seeing wasted resourses. Spend some of that energy building something. I'm trying to go forward with all this stuff.....
Look Ron, I am one who really doesn't like all this nastiness, but I can get pretty bitchy too if I have to.....

Nobody is fighting. Ron, we are doing fine. But then you come in to chime in negatives. THIS is what perpetuates what people think of you. This thread had another nay sayer chime in. I didn't create a healthy post session. If you want to speak to everyone again, then do it with tact, manners, and as an adult. Pointing fingers, making fun of people, only makes you look bad. You don't want that, and neither do we. This did not have to come to this, but it has. Why not now just move on, as we have, and when and if we do see each other, we can all be civil. But if this childish behaviour continues, the civil unrest will continue.

You get what you give Ron.....and that goes for anybody!

Um, well to address your first point, you did call Bullish and Lysa dissenters. That was just the start. If they didn't like something, they could leave. Well, they did and so did the rest of us.

We don't need a figure head. Figure heads are what cause turmoil in a group of people, who ALL want to be heard. So that option is not an option for us. Whoever wants to plan something does, posts a thread, and we follow if we choose to. It's that simple. Complicating things by having a leader, is not the way for us to go.

We are not stopping anyone from hanging out, and/or doing their own thing. I don't see that anywhere. We were doing just fine, and Bullish had a great turn out at Hooters. Things are moving along swimmingly for us. Petty childish behaviour from others chiming in, just adds fuel to the deminishing fire. We don't need that fire restoked.

We are not wasting any valuable time and energy. Any of what extra time people have to offer, is geared towards their own personal lives (which people do have), and the group. There is nothing to build upon, as this is not a government run club. No heads of state, no prez, vice prez, nobody important at the top to possibly topple the regime. Just us peasants/commoners looking to have fun with each other (not in that way you guys....

You, as the rest of us are all trying to move on. We have, Hooters proved that, and any of the next meets/runs/parties/bbqs/wet t-shirt contests (oops)......
whatever we choose to do will keep us together, no matter what. We will welcome anyone who wants to join in with us, at any event, no matter what they drive. We had a Porsche and a Corvette at the Latigo run. We are keeping nobody out. As I have said before, bad apples need not apply!

It's people coming on the boards/posts/threads, trying to disrupt things that just keep the negativity around us. We have all moved on.....and I'm sure you have, but if you have not you should. I am sure you will be able to form a group of your own, and enjoy their company. If you want to lead a group, taht's great. But this bunch does not want a leader. We are our own little leaders. We want a "club" atmosphere without all the headches that go along with it.

If you're gonna reply to us, why not speak to us as you would like us to speak to you. Without all the ugliness.....This way we can all move on, and be friends somewhere along the line.....

It is human nature to be angry, but it is also the same human nature to forgive and forget. That may be possible, but if the nastiness continues, I don't see it!

All the best to you Ron, I am sure you'll do just fine with the new group you have under you.
Old 05-04-2004, 09:01 AM
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Originally posted by EL Diablo
Ron do your thing! Create an awesome venture for the Z community. Thats what it really boils down to.
I really want to see what you can do. You always claim
things Like "Special News" and such. Lets see it.

Build it and we will come.

Also Hang with the crew. repair the bad blood. I am sure
both sides can step up. We are the same people who would love to participate in your Ventures. You are one of us. Like it or not.
You may choose to not be a part of it, and thats your loss. but
we did have some fun together. No more insults Please !

So I see at as

Catagory: Business
Twisted Z Promotions

What is Twisted Z Promotions ?
Thats your own Z Promotion company.
Your the President. head organizer.
What you say goes.
You hold cool events, People show up.

Catagory: Friends

Thats a group of friends/car enthusiasts.
We occasionally hang when thier is an event
thrown by Organizers. Anyone who wants to participate
in the fun going on that day is a member.

So damn Simple. am I the only one who see's this ?

BTW: My Puggy cost a small fortune. Worth every penny!
I'll put it this way:
an exhaust ,an intake, and a crank pulley = one Puppy Pug
Well said!!! People can participate in both groups. If all you want to do is hang out with fellow Z owners in a very casual environment than attend the 3FIVEZERO events.

If you're interested in doing "more" with your Z...ask Ron if you can participate in his events!

I think some people would love to do both, while others will prefer to do one.

Either way...I think the misunderstandings can be cleared up and all parties can "get along." EVERYONE needs to step up, be the better person, drop all the shiet from the past (don't bring it up anymore) and move forward.

No need to apologize on a public forum. That's weak anyway. Just stop the bashing and save your apologies for when you see eachother at an event. It'll mean more in person.

Love our eachother...and give peace a chance...

Last edited by thumper90501; 05-04-2004 at 09:06 AM.
Old 05-04-2004, 09:29 AM
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Clint, very good post man.
Old 05-04-2004, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: And I intend to sleep in it comfortably Thank You

Originally posted by Mr Twisted

BTW Dan are you leasing or making payments. Surely a Lawyer of you elequence, owns, oh yah, your not a lawyer are you????
Ah, you changed your post after I said good night. You know, passing on my last name to Richard was an invasion of privacy. It's an example of your childish, irresponsible, antagonistic behavior that you continue to perpetuate. I'll tell you what Ron, I was in court all day yesterday and all morning today. And, I'll be in court tomorrow morning and all day Thursday. I've been doing trials, conferences, depositions, appellate work and case handling in my field for 15 years. And, most importantly, I have clients that depend upon me. And, nothing you can say will belittle my career nor my character.

So, Mr. T, get this through your bean of a noggin.

Shut the hell up cause people are tired of the crap coming out of your trap.


Clint, nice post above and the dog is cute.
Old 05-04-2004, 11:56 AM
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...oh man, not again...
This is a hobby, not a contest!!

Im not reading this anymore...Im going out to drive my Z
Old 05-04-2004, 01:39 PM
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Wow...I cant believe what this has turned into...But, as I must, I WILL add my $0.02.

Clint, cute dog

Now Ron...I will be honest. I first met you and your wife at a meet that I organized. It was at Nationals Sports Bar. I thought you were a cool guy with lots of enthusiasm in the group. Well, I was right about one thing..You had some enthusiasm, but in no way are you a cool guy.

You keep saying that we took over your club...Well to be honest, if you were a TRUE leader, we wouldnt have been able to take over your club. But for one, you are NOT leader material and for two, we DID NOT take over your damn club. We dont need you or want you in this group. I think your ignorant and childish behavior speaks for itself. No one attacked you in the beginning......

You labeled Eric and I as dissenters because we were trying to offer other suggestions. Saying that you left the club because we gave you no choice is BULLS***. You left on your own, thinking that Eric and I would be left on our own. But what you didnt know, or didnt realize at the time, is that YOU WERE ON YOUR OWN. No one wants to be TOLD what to do and how to do it. You are no ones boss here. We all wanted a say, that was it. What part of that did you NOT understand?

As for all the events, most of them have been organized by someone OTHER THAN what kind of leader is that? All you did was PROMOTE the Performance Nissan Meet... ANYONE could have done that....If you look at the events for this year, the first meet in Duarte, MY EVENT at Nationals, the Performance Meet which you promoted, your shootout, Hooters events, MY COOKOUT, another Hooters event and MSA Nationals. What have you done for anyone other than yourself?

You got YOURSELF some sponsors..good for you...But you didnt do that for anyone else. When you quit or were fired from "leader" position, you lost your ability to use that title "leader of the SO Cal 350z club" for your OWN free sh**...THAT is one of the main reasons you took this so didnt want to lose the ability to get free stuff for YOURSELF. Im sure if others on here wanted sponsorships, they could get them. Its not that hard. And they dont need YOU to do so.

As for your stupid comments about my Nationals meet and cookout..Lets see...I missed the first meet in Duarte so I decided to organize my own..just to meet other Z owners...I had over 20 cars at my first meet...Pretty good for a first timer right? All I did was make a reservation...pretty simple right..? I got to meet a bunch of new people and check out the Z's....And to be honest, your Z really impressed me. The doors.....BUT..onto my next event.

The cookout...First of all....Dont try to take credit for something that KASH and I organized. You didnt have your hands in it at ALL. You volunteered use of your hot plates and the So Cal 350z club banner.but since this wasnt an official So Cal 350z club event, we decided that we didnt need the banner. You showed up to the event for what..? Other than to open up your car doors and show them off?? What else did you show up for? The answer...

Cuz you want your nose in EVERYTHING. We held a bbq at the park....We were OUT OF POCKET a couple 100 bucks...But that was because KASH AND I hosted that bbq..YOU had nothing to do with it.....We requested $10 from everyone that attended..and $15 for the day OF the event...You decided THAT DAY to show up to open your doors and eat a little bit of food....YOU paid the $15. Kash and I both werent going to take the $ since you came so late but YOU INSISTED. If you didnt want to pay, THEN YOU DIDNT HAVE TO COME. I didnt hear anything negative from a SINGLE person about MY event...Oh wait...I did hear from YOU that we needed a PA system and music "next time"...I guess you realized that some things can go just FINE without your input in it-that is why you needed to make suggestions. I think it went pretty well for a 2nd timer (me) to get this going..I had about 50 people show up and not one complaint. Now Im sure there were some suggestions or something that I could have done differently, or better...but it turned out pretty well....Now THAT is organization and promotion.

As for the Hooters event, Bullish promoted a GREAT event. He got praise from EVERY direction..and it was all sincere. From what I heard, and thought MYSELF, most of your praise, was SOME good..the other, was YOU fishing for compliments. For one, I distincly (sp?) remember El Diablo complimenting MY skills in this group...and YOUR reply.....? "what about my skills...? I have pretty good skills for a guy..." Fishing for compliments. If we think you have skills, WE WILL TELL YOU.....No need to go fishing for them.

What else.....Oh yea...the my way or the highway was all YOU....WE didnt make that up...The quote from YOU was "If you want to move forward, follow me.....if not STAY BEHIND". THat is pretty much "my way or the highway". Check back on the other posts about the "offical so cal website". Read what you put on there....Your negative attitude is crap.

I think this group is a bunch of great people..those that I have met. I hope to meet more in the future with our upcoming meets. I think that Ron, you have completely lost the respect that you HAD from me. I think your negativity and ignorant comments is bringing the So Cal forum down. You and neocypher can have your own club...That way, you can tell him what to do and he can do it...that way, you have no problems....No one to give suggestions..

As for Dan, what each of us does in our own life IS NO CONCERN OF YOURS. He is very successful, gives great advice and is a very cool and respectful guy..which is more than I can say for you. He has backed you from the beginning, by nominating you for President. Not once did he give a nasty remark about you or what you do outside of this club. He is not that type of person. He is BETTER than that, and better than YOU. YOU are the backstabber. Not any other member of this forum....Its all YOU.

I LIKE to organize events..I LIKE to meet new people and I enjoy hanging out..I will CONTINUE to do so...Nothing that has been said will keep me from coming out to support this group..I love you guys!

Sorry for the long post.


PS> I had no reason to want to be "leader" of the club. I was nominated for "social director, activities director, and treasurer and I was fine with that. I dont need "President" or "Leader" on my resume to make me feel better about myself. But thats just me.
Old 05-04-2004, 09:23 PM
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It's 11PM here in Salt Lake City as I read these posts and shake my head in disbelief.

I really thought that this issue was long gone and behind us. Unfortunately, some will not let it die.

I refuse to let anyone bring down what the group experienced last Saturday at Hooters. I know Jane and I had a great time, and so did EVERYONE who attended.

Personally, I'm not participating in our group to give anything to the Z community, there are other entities out there that will take care of that. I'm in this for the FUN of getting together with the great group of people that are involved in our little corner of the Z world.

I am tired of the pointless barbs and jabs thrown out, not to make a point, but to hurt and insult. Lysa, Dan, Bullish, Jen, and the rest of us do not deserve this. Actually, no one deserves this.

To those who continue to point fingers at what happened in the PAST, we get it. We don't see eye to eye on it. We agree to disagree. So be it. Let it go. We will survive with or without you. Hopefully it can be with, but it is entirely up to you.

Old 05-04-2004, 09:36 PM
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Clint...Nice Pooch

It's 10pm..just got home...been in the studio since 8am...long day...come home looking for some R&R with my favorite website and what do I find???....

Same old..same old

I'll give my 2 lire one last time and then as far as I'm concerned I'm done with this... are one of the best promotional event organizers I've ever roll up your sleeves get in there and make things happen...I commend you for that...I think the mistake you made was trying to organize a group that never really wanted to be that organized...At one point I felt as you did that an organized club was the way to go...I have since changed my mind...Seems to me that most of the folks here at are content with getting together on an irregular basis to hang out, have some food, drink, and good conversation...(just as we have since I joined this forum in March of '02) real need for banners and spotlights...if we get a discount group rate fine...if not, we'll still enjoy each others' company...

I hope when you have events that you will post them just like any other member of the forum...If I feel welcome, I will attend any that I can...just as I would for any other member

I hope the bad blood that has been shed can be put in the past...on both sides

I always try to see the humor in things (thus my 'Zupreme Leader' post) but this has all become so tiresome that even I am sadened by it

I hope to see you all out on the road... of August, I will be out of the Z picture till Feb '05..a new job offer is putting me back on the road...I wish you all peace, love, and harmony
Old 05-05-2004, 06:05 AM
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Originally posted by AudioPat

I hope to see you all out on the road... of August, I will be out of the Z picture till Feb '05..a new job offer is putting me back on the road...I wish you all peace, love, and harmony
BTW Pat, I hope I get to see you sometime before you leave us....
Old 05-05-2004, 02:42 PM
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everyone says i'm the one getting heated up but really.... read over lysa's post ... she's the one getting heated up. she's the one with bitterness....could it be she wants to be the center of attention...she's just an attention wh****. the only reason i'm flaming her is because she is the type of person that deserves it. i'm not gonna walk around why she holds my *****. i'm also willing that she is the type of person that when things don't go her way...she throws a fit.
Old 05-05-2004, 02:50 PM
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BTW ... don't you love the way she uses words ... I, ME, MY ..... hmmmm let me guess..she is referring to ... uhh .... herself? My event ... my bbq.

cb i hear your words ... and all i see is pain. i feel for you.
Old 05-05-2004, 03:11 PM
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Old 05-05-2004, 03:24 PM
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The only violations I want to see on this forum are those of Rule #1!!!!

dang it!

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